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[Suggestion] Deleted Posts deduct from Users Cumulative Count

Guest ~Dopey~

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I suggest that when a moderator deletes a post it should deduct [X*] posts from the users 'Post Count' otherwise it's not really deleting it, is it? (it's just hiding it in a sense {depends whether you have 'Trash Can' on/off})

* The amount of posts deleted by that user is to be deducted from said user.


leave this as a mod.

ALOT of post are deleted because they are old and not needed anymore. I personally would hate this feature, if I want the members post count to go down because of it, I will make the change myself.


leave this as a mod.

ALOT of post are deleted because they are old and not needed anymore. I personally would hate this feature, if I want the members post count to go down because of it, I will make the change myself.


honestly maybe it be better off not as a mod and maybe admin option

this way admin/forum owners can decide

It really depends on what you understand from "Posts" info. If you see it as a measurement of that user's contribution to the community, deleting posts shouldn't decrease the user's cumulative posts. However, if you think that it's something that shows how many current posts in this board has made by him/her, deleting posts should decrease the posts count.

So it should be an On/Off type of setting in the ACP if developers decide to add that feature. They may not add this feature becuse there's already task created in the ACP that allows you to recount all members' post counts.

Finally, in my opinion, that feature should be added.



leave this as a mod.

ALOT of post are deleted because they are old and not needed anymore. I personally would hate this feature, if I want the members post count to go down because of it, I will make the change myself.

I don't believe it is actually a modification :unsure:
If you don't want it deducted and you're simply wanting to hide it from your members then move it to a forum with appropiate permission masks, practically the same method as you would with deleting.

I wish when you did delete a post it wouldn't deduct it from the total posts.

Didn't know it did :unsure:

I don't think this should be a modification because it makes more sense to deduct the count when a post has been 'Deleted' than it would to keep it there, to me at least.
Like Mert says, maybe this as an On/Off option would be good.

What should happen when we delete a topic? I delete old topics on a nightly basis. Hence I prefer the status quo.

Same thing, post and topics are counted as 1 point, thus both are equal {in this context}.

My question is user group promotion based on post count. :)

How would you say that should be handled?

If your post count goes below the required post count for that group, you get placed back in previous group. OK, so this may be a bit of extra coding but I for one think it's worth it (and so do other's, evidently).

Same thing, post and topics are counted as 1 point, thus both are equal {in this context}.

Let me clarify.

I delete a topic that has over 100 different posters because it is no longer relevant. I do not want the software to decrement all 100 post counts. Since the current definition of posts made is the number of posts made since the member joined, I do not want it to be number of posts active on the board. If I needed that, I could always run the tool in the ACP which recounts number of current posts.

Having said all of that, the only place where I could see the need to decrement the count is the occasion whenever I delete 1 post. An option could be added asking if the post count should be decremented.

Bottom line - I do not want the mass purge of topics facility to alter the number of posts made by a member.

Let me clarify.

I delete a topic that has over 100 different posters because it is no longer relevant. I do not want the software to decrement all 100 post counts. Since the current definition of posts made is the number of posts made since the member joined, I do not want it to be number of posts active on the board. If I needed that, I could always run the tool in the ACP which recounts number of current posts.

Having said all of that, the only place where I could see the need to decrement the count is the occasion whenever I delete 1 post. An option could be added asking if the post count should be decremented.

Bottom line - I do not want the mass purge of topics facility to alter the number of posts made by a member.

Yeah, if you don't want that topic to be displayed any longer then you simply move it to a forum with permission masks that disable the displaying to set groups. Just like if you was to delete a post (and you have the trash can feature enabled) it would move to the forum you've specified yet won't deduct any post count point so it's not deleting the posts, it's just removing it from view.

You're saying you sometimes like to delete topics when they're no longer relavant, why would you delete them anyway? Especially if you don't have the trash can feature on.

To remove a topic when no longer relavant and keeping the users post count the same then you would just need to move it to a "private" forum, what's wrong with that?

#1 - You fail to realize how the existing mass purge facility works.

#2 - I use a task which deletes any topic with no replies in over 45 days. I am sure I am not the only one who makes use of that facility. The nature of my board renders topics which are no longer being responded to as obsolete. The trash can (which I use for individual deletion of posts/topics) is not relevant to this topic.

#3 - Moving out-dated topics to a hidden forum only increases the database size and serves no purpose. I prefer to keep my database trim and neat.


Let me see if I can go over the problems with this from what I know..

1) Group Promotion. Promotion is done on posting. So, let's say you have only 1 members group. Then you add an Advanced members group that members are placed in after 500 posts.. You had Member A who has 1500 posts.. He does not automatically go into the Advanced group. He goes in the next time and makes a post, and he is promoted. So... if a member has 500 posts, was promoted to Advanced Members, and 490 are deleted.. There is no "Downgrade" feature.. He doesn't go back into the Members group. He stays in Adv Members. Now, to add the functionality to downgrade them.. Where does that go? When they make their next post? If so... Well, they still have access to an area they shouldn't. A new "resync member groups" function? Run automatically or as an option? (and that isn't a HORRIBLE idea, honestly.. But RARELY would be used)

2) User Post counts are NOT changed when posts are deleted.. But you CAN have that happen. ACP->Tools and Settings->Rebuild Member Post Counts or something along those lines.

3) Moving posts to a trashcan folder.. You can just mark that folder to not count posts in there towards user post counts and run the rebuild above.

4) This brings up a new problem with a previous suggestion for archiving posts.. How are those handled? Should the count go down for DELETED posts, but not removed ARCHIVED posts.. (Assuming that feature is added).. Go down for both? Stay the same? This opens the proverbial can 'o worms.

I think it's actually pretty good right now from a balance standpoint.. Post count stays the same.. If you want the post count 100% accurate.. Run the Rebuild tool once every so often.

And.. We then go back to my old standby when you ask "Why not add it as an option?".. My response is "Can you tell me where the options to not cache pages are located off the top of your head?" What about allowing/not allowing skins to be selected? There are so many options NOW that every one of us has gone through 2 or 3 different sections looking for the right damn setting.


2) User Post counts are NOT changed when posts are deleted.. But you CAN have that happen. ACP->Tools and Settings->Rebuild Member Post Counts or something along those lines.

3) Moving posts to a trashcan folder.. You can just mark that folder to not count posts in there towards user post counts and run the rebuild above.

Except that running a post recount on a forum with hundreds of thousands of users (and several times more posts) essentially renders the board inoperable for a number of hours.

And.. We then go back to my old standby when you ask "Why not add it as an option?".. My response is "Can you tell me where the options to not cache pages are located off the top of your head?" What about allowing/not allowing skins to be selected? There are so many options NOW that every one of us has gone through 2 or 3 different sections looking for the right damn setting.

Except all global settings are stored in the same array in the main forum driver. The actual process of checking for whether the option is on or off is not difficult at all, although the additional code required to handle all the special cases may be more so.

But really though, anyone who knows PHP and wants to spend the 30 minutes required to figure out how the moderation tasks work should be able to make this edit himself. Obviously it's not appropriate for every forum, but aren't most features like that anyway?

There's a phpBB2 mod for "pruning" posts. Deleting them lowers the post count, pruning does not.

It should be an option.

...Or, if you want it bad enough, run the 'rebuild post counts' tool.


IPB has had that facility since day 1 I believe.

Sorry, I didn't clarify. It adds a new tool to the moderator options to "prune" individual posts/topics manually. It's not the same as IPB's "pruning."

Let me see if I can go over the problems with this from what I know..

1) Group Promotion. Promotion is done on posting. So, let's say you have only 1 members group. Then you add an Advanced members group that members are placed in after 500 posts.. You had Member A who has 1500 posts.. He does not automatically go into the Advanced group. He goes in the next time and makes a post, and he is promoted. So... if a member has 500 posts, was promoted to Advanced Members, and 490 are deleted.. There is no "Downgrade" feature.. He doesn't go back into the Members group. He stays in Adv Members. Now, to add the functionality to downgrade them.. Where does that go? When they make their next post? If so... Well, they still have access to an area they shouldn't. A new "resync member groups" function? Run automatically or as an option? (and that isn't a HORRIBLE idea, honestly.. But RARELY would be used)

2) User Post counts are NOT changed when posts are deleted.. But you CAN have that happen. ACP->Tools and Settings->Rebuild Member Post Counts or something along those lines.

3) Moving posts to a trashcan folder.. You can just mark that folder to not count posts in there towards user post counts and run the rebuild above.

4) This brings up a new problem with a previous suggestion for archiving posts.. How are those handled? Should the count go down for DELETED posts, but not removed ARCHIVED posts.. (Assuming that feature is added).. Go down for both? Stay the same? This opens the proverbial can 'o worms.

I think it's actually pretty good right now from a balance standpoint.. Post count stays the same.. If you want the post count 100% accurate.. Run the Rebuild tool once every so often.

And.. We then go back to my old standby when you ask "Why not add it as an option?".. My response is "Can you tell me where the options to not cache pages are located off the top of your head?" What about allowing/not allowing skins to be selected? There are so many options NOW that every one of us has gone through 2 or 3 different sections looking for the right damn setting.

You raise good points of which I don't have answers for, shall have a think :P


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