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Simple suggestion re: Fast Reply

Guest TCWT

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Nice idea - to add this feature manually, open the skin group "Topic View", edit the template bit "quick_reply_box_closed" and add


at the end of the HREF attribute, so it looks something like this:

<a href="java script:ShowHide('qr_open','qr_closed'); document.getElementById('fast-reply_textarea').focus();" title="{$this->ipsclass->lang['qr_open']}" accesskey="f"><{T_QREPLY}></a>

(it's not actually supposed to say java script: with a space)

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I have to click into the text field whilst using the standard "Add Reply", should that not be the case?

That's normal. Perhaps, it should be applied to the standard Add Reply too.

Thanks for the code. :)
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Thanks, any way to not apply it to Add New Topic? Cursor should be on Topic Title field when creating new topics. :D

EDIT: and while we're at it, the cursor should be on recipient's field when composing PMs. :thumbsup:

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BTW, this does not work:

# Open the skin group 'Post / PM Editor' of your skin and edit the template bit 'ips_editor'
# In the beginning add:

<script type="text/javascript">setAutoFocus('{$editor_id}_textarea');</script>

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That's funny because I only use the normal reply when I have to close a topic. Hell I wouldn't have to use normal reply if there were mod actions in the fast reply. It just seems to me that such a logical modification would have been implanted into IPB by now instead of staying 3rd party.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually having the cursor automatically jump to the text field on the regular reply and PM editor may not be such a good idea. Whenever you Preview a message/post, the page jumps down and you'll have to scroll back up.. it's kinda annoying. I think I'm going to just apply it for Fast Reply only.

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