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Customer Service

Guest andyfair

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I joined IPB a few months ago as I had previously used the forum via a free host and I was impressed with the hosting options offered and took the plunge for a paid account on a shared server.

Up until yesterday I was very impressed with all the support and advice I had received from the support staff and delighted with my IPB forum.

About 15 hours ago my forum was closed without any notice due to perceived high volumes of concurrent users and I was told to upgrade to a package that cost about 800% more than the one I was on or go elsewhere.

I was shocked and angry that this attitude had been taken and my forum closed without notice cutting me off completely from the 2000 members of a forum I have worked to develop over the past 3 years.

The support person was (I thought) very rude and unhelpful, compeletely the opposite of the support I had previously received from IPB.

What has upset me even more is that IPS have shut off my domain name which redirects elsewhere and it has nothing to do with the services I purchased from IPS.

My website's traffic increased over December and January due to it being a massive peak period for the forum subject covered.

I am stunned that IPS support is to close my forum without notice and some 15 hours later I am still waiting for a response from management.

Where did it all go wrong and why couldn't it have been brought to my attention before closing my pre-paid forum?

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I would highly suggest giving them a call. Sometimes a single person can be rather "overzealous" (I have seen utility accounts in this country terminated for $0.04 overdue amounts) and it can help to talk it over with someone else - and it's a lot harder to say "we wont help you" when they have to say it to you and take the reply in realtime.

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Thanks for the feedback.

At the moment I am just concerned about getting up and running again as IPS have disabled everything!

If someone from IPS reads this please can someone review my open ticket number 334273 in order to get me up and running again?

I know I am awaiting a response from management but could support please review my latest response?

thank you.

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What was your forums URL? I know some hosts if you are looking for a new one, but shutting down your forum is plain wrong and that is unacceptable. What were your forums about? Was there anything that they did not like, and thats why they shut it down, or just too much traffic and you were growing out of the hosting package.

What did they tell you in the support ticket?

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  • Management


I've reviewed the ticket and I can sympathize with your predicament. Unfortunately we have to be very harsh when it comes with dealing with shared hosting accounts. We never oversell and we never offer usage we don't think we can provide but we still have to be decisive when a shared hosting account starts affecting other accounts. You account alone was using around 60% of the entire server's memory and CPU which severely affected performance for others on that server. As much as we'd preferred to give you notice we had to suspend your account to bring the server back up to speed.

Your latest reply has been noted and I'll make the hosting department aware just as soon as they are online. The hosting department operates from 9:00am EST (2.00pm UK time).

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It is only in extreme cases that we take immediate action against a site. If your hosting account is growing to the point where it affects other users, we will do everything we can to contact and work with you before any action is taken.

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