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Moderator CP

Guest XGhozt

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It's about control, Stobbo. If the ModCP comes back, people are going to complain. If it doesn't, people are going to complain. If it's turned into a hybrid (I support this, btw) with both a ModCP and Inline, people are going to complain. Wouldn't it be better to have an option in the AdminCP so the owner can choose which he wants? It offers versatility.

I'm all about control. The more control I have over a piece of software (especially a public forum), the happier I am. If it takes a little longer to configure the software, I'm fine with it. While we're discussing this, let's take it a little deeper. Lets talk permissions.

Say I have a forum. I have a Moderator and a Global Moderator. For the moderator (the said moderator moderates one of the many forums), I want him to use INLINE moderation. The global moderator (the said person moderates everything), I want to have the ModCP. The only purpose I can see a ModCP being used for is board-wide moderator, log viewing, and other related moderator tasks. INLINE provides everything a normal mod needs, the ModCP gives a "super" mod even more abilities (such as making people new mods, viewing mod logs, email logs, PM logs, the works).

Again every option for INLINE moderation and every option in the ModCP needs to be set by the Administrator (a lot like how the Admin Permissions work). I want the global mod to be able to remove mods but not create, etc. It's about control. Every little aspect of it should be configurable in the AdminCP. Do you see what I am getting at, Stobbo?

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I see what your getting at, I just couldn't see why anyone would disable the ModCP, because then Reports wouldn't be possible. Unless of course without the ModCP you stayed on the current system, not the system we've proposed in here.

If Reports are handled by the ModCP then I could see Moderator's needing access to it, but only to Reports and possibly View all Queued Items. Therefore it would be a good idea to have permissions on who can see what in the ModCP, like Mods can see Reports and View all Queued Items and Global Mods can see everything.

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  • 6 months later...

Sorry for bumping an old topic, but IPB need to take note of phpBB3's MCP. It blows everything else away. Seriously, I think considering it's free, phpBB3 is a better piece of kit (inspiration and example wise).

Except it's one of the slowest piece of forum software available right now. And PHPBB has never played well with heavy load boards that aren't backed up with a heavy server.

I like it's features, but it's just too slow to persuade me to switch.
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Too lazy to read through all of this, and I don't have time. Anyways, the OLD ModCP was simply the inline mod features we now see (as mods) on IPB boards, not what the OP is suggesting.

I agree. Like vB and phpBB, there should be a ModCP with user, post, and ban management. +1

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Except it's one of the slowest piece of forum software available right now. And PHPBB has never played well with heavy load boards that aren't backed up with a heavy server.

I like it's features, but it's just too slow to persuade me to switch.

Yeh, I guess that's why the largest and busiest forum is running phpBB then. :rolleyes:
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To me, it just seems odd to bring back the Mod CP after it was already removed (for good?) with IPB 2.x. Inline moderation replaced it for good reason... It was simpler to use. There's no need to bring back the Mod CP when any features that would require it can also be implemented in an inline fashion.

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Yeah but, it's all good saying that, but you can't deal with reported posts inline, or anything like that. To have a seperate control panel where moderators can find all those tools in one place would be an extra benefit to the software. We all cope perfectly well doing our admin stuff in a seperate control panel, so it's not going to kill moderators either, is it?

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry to bump a month old topic, but it beats making a new one about the same thing.

I'm looking into converting my forums over to IP.board, and the lack of a Mod CP is the only thing I don't like.
The current moderation is fight for moderators in general, it goes the job done.
I would like to see a better handling of the reports (mass sending of PMs and emails is a bit much) and this is where a Mod CP would come into play.

Id like to see a place were moderators can go and see all reported posts / topics in one section.
Reports would work more like a support ticket system then how they are now.

Here is an image displaying features of what I'm currently useing.

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The IP tools are in 'User CP' - lol... that makes no sense to me.

ALSO, I'd like to add: the *FIRST* modification I install is the 'Moderator Report Center' . I would LOVE to see that integrated into IPB. The moderators on my forum are so used to it (and depend on it so much), if I told them other forums exist without the 'Report Center' (modification), they won't believe me.

Also- the 'forum led by' is not sufficient. All posts and "users currently browsing" areas within a sub-forum should highlight the names of THAT sub-forum's "forum led by" moderators. (I hope that made sense) AND, the 'forum led by' list should appear at the bottom, near the legend - inside of the sub-forum.

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Luke produced a free one for 2.1.x here: http://www.ipsbeyond.com/forums/index.php?...mp;showfile=213, but it is encoded.

He recently made a new one which has alot better features in, and has been completely rewritten, however this one costs, not sure how much (Best to ask luke). http://custombb.net

If you are looking for a free one for IPB 2.2 or above, we made one recently here: http://mods.invisionize.com/db/index.php?f=7726

I advise you to look at all 3 first before choosing. Each have different pro's to them.

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