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rc2 to rc3

Guest dflorin

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first impressions:
- personal portal no longer works right, personal photo dos not resize, it stays big. also, on the skin i was developing no tab is selected (middle section of te portal) and cannot select any. it was working in rc2, right before upgrading.

- the new feature for editing the css slows down at 35% and completely frozes at 38%. result is a blank page.

(i upgraded a rc which was a clean fresh install)

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Personal portal still works great for me (as it always has). Check your profile here, and check out other members. No idea why you'd be having problems with it.

My thumbnails are still resizing as well.

the new feature for editing the css slows down at 35% and completely frozes at 38%. result is a blank page.

I just tested and it took a long time for me, but it worked properly. You might have a php timeout in effect that stopped it from finishing before it was done.

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after upgrading, this is what i get in acp, where the "invision power is up to date" box should be:

[b]Warning[/b]: main(/home/invision/public_html/customer/coreconfig.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [b]/home/invision/public_html/latestversioncheck/ipb.php[/b] on line [b]109[/b]

[b]Fatal error[/b]: main(): Failed opening required '/home/invision/public_html/customer/coreconfig.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in [b]/home/invision/public_html/latestversioncheck/ipb.php[/b] on line [b]109[/b]

is this intended or something wrong with my upgrade?

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