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Mainpage Login Not working with FF2.0

Guest Mardoxx

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On ALL 2.2 boards, and surprisingly!!!! this one as well!!

when you try and login using the quick login on any main page of any IPB 2.2 and press ENTER instead of clicking go, it says

Your password field was not complete

This is probably due to something in the template (board index>PageTop)

I'm having a look at it now
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I have modified it so it works

Turns out it was the javascript that cleared the box when you clicked it (onfocus="this.value=''")

<form action="{$this->ipsclass->base_url}act=Login&amp;CODE=01&amp;CookieDate=1" method="post">
				<input type="text" size="20" name="UserName" value="{$this->ipsclass->lang['qli_name']}" />
				<input type="password" size="20" name="PassWord" value="ibfrules" />
				<input class="button" type="image" src="{$this->ipsclass->vars['img_url']}/login-button.gif" />

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I have modified it so it works

Turns out it was the javascript that cleared the box when you clicked it (onfocus="this.value=''")



That won't have been the problem, all that does is make Username the text dissapear when you click the textbox because you know before you enter anything it says 'Username' so you know to enter it, that will go blank when you click the box..
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know what it does... Do you


think that I would be playing with it if I didnt know what I was doing ro what the code was doing?


Must be a FF2.0 problem then :)

No you don't if you think it clears the text when you hit the submit button, it just clears the text that was already in the input box when you click your cursor in the inputbox..
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Dipfaeces learn to read

"cleared the box when you clicked it "

you click the textbox it clears it........

FLCIKING HELL! I said dipsh1t not dipfaeces

Well what has that got to do with it not letting you log in?

That wouldn't cause a problem..
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I know, but (probably) with the way FF2.0 parses javascript it seems it doesnt like it!

Anyhu, this topic is going nowhere, I've located the problem, and it can be solved by either mozilla updating FF or IPS removing the code, or adding a couple of if statements to only have it for ff<2 and all other web browsers.

Someone lock this topic.

IPS, ignore this topic XD - Leave the code as it is if you want. You'll only have to change it back once mozilla fix their browser

I love the script tho!

peace out

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On ALL 2.2 boards, and surprisingly!!!! this one as well!!

when you try and login using the quick login on any main page of any IPB 2.2 and press ENTER instead of clicking go, it says

This is probably due to something in the template (board index>PageTop)

I'm having a look at it now

I guess you can't log in horray - you seem like a butthole surfer this is what happens.

Dipfaeces learn to read

"cleared the box when you clicked it "

you click the textbox it clears it........

FLCIKING HELL! I said dipsh1t not dipfaeces

calm down man geez its the interweb not like your gooing to whip out a gun and kill us all by saying d1psh1t :whistle:
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On ALL 2.2 boards, and surprisingly!!!! this one as well!!

when you try and login using the quick login on any main page of any IPB 2.2 and press ENTER instead of clicking go, it says

This is probably due to something in the template (board index>PageTop)

I'm having a look at it now


I just have this problem and I found why. After press ENTER, Firefox asked me if "I want save password for this site" and all times I replied "Not yet". And just after the focus return on password field. And focus clear the field :rolleyes:

So I see 2 solutions :
1) Choose Yes or "never for this site" when firefox ask you what do you want to do for this password. (firefox side)
2) IPB set focus on Go button after press ENTER. (IPB side)
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i had a similar issue at first. when i used the main page login form it took me to the welcome and stand by page... the one which redirects, but i was still not logged in.

i had to clear all cookies of the particular domain and then it worked perfectly.

>> i haven't searched n checked this forum for this, but when i upgraded my forum [using the dbase on my localhost] i lost all info that goes with the 'additional profile fields' thing. i haven't checked in the dbase but it is gone from the user profiles. is this the case with everyone or did i do somethin wrong?

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It's not hard to get it to work, if you are on the main forum page then here's all you have to do:

1) Type in your username then press tab.
2) Typein your password then press tab/
3) Then hit enter.

If you DON'T hit tab after entering your password (which puts the focus on the Go button) then you'll get the error.

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