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2.2 GDK File

Guest phoeven

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Is there a GDK File available for 2.2, and if not when will it be released? Would be nice to have one, for re-skinning my board?

As far as I can see there are some minor changes, like the background of the profile tabs? :unsure:


Yes I would really like a FULL GDK released. I hope its in better in better condition then the other ones. Also maybe a basic skinning manaul to come with it.


and instead of one big file with all the buttons and what not but individual files loads alot fster and easy to work with.

ehh i wouldnt like that

and instead of one big file with all the buttons and what not but individual files loads alot fster and easy to work with.

Loading one file is actually faster than the combined load time of 200+ single files, but the main thing is with the single file you can work more efficiently by making changes to a number of items in one shot.

It took them almost a year after the final 2.1 release to release the 2.1 GDK, so I have a feeling it won't be released at the same time as 2.2 final ;)


Well, at the end of the day, someone, somewhere must have the psds (or whatever they were created as) for the 2.2 images - so there's no reason for them not to share


you can work more efficiently by making changes to a number of items in one shot.

How do you do that? Can you change the effects on a layer adjust to multiple other items in the psd file at once? I would really like to know how, because it's one hell of a job to change the layer effects one by one...

There's a 2.1 GDK? Last I heard it was only 2.0 :unsure: . The graphics themselves really haven't changed to much since 2.0.... Sure there's been additions, but not much has changed besides that....

Would be nice, but I don't see it happening until 3.0.


Yeah, still a 2.x.x GDK and I figure we'll see one for 2.2 when 3.0 alpha comes.

I for one will change my skin ASAP how I recommended in dark blue to differentiate 2.2 from 2.1.


it would be great is there was a GDK that was suited to Paint Shop Pro :)

I don't have the link but I posted a PSP version a year or so ago.

There is a 2.1 GDK. I know because MetalFrog, a member here, was hired to do it. I'd expect that it wasn't released because it was finished shortly before 2.2 went public beta. Will it (or an update "it") be released with final? Who knows....not sure where the 2 people here have heard an IPS staff member say a definite yes about this.


There is a 2.1 GDK. I know because MetalFrog, a member here, was hired to do it. I'd expect that it wasn't released because it was finished shortly before 2.2 went public beta. Will it (or an update "it") be released with final? Who knows....not sure where the 2 people here have heard an IPS staff member say a definite yes about this.

Assuming that MetalFrog did finish the GDK for 2.1, I imagine that it wouldn't take very long to update for 2.2, as only a few new images are added throughout the script.

I did finish it, but unfortunately, I can't release it. :)

If IPS hires me to do a 2.2 GDK, I'll see if I can weasel out the rights to post the 2.1 GDK.


How do you do that? Can you change the effects on a layer adjust to multiple other items in the psd file at once? I would really like to know how, because it's one hell of a job to change the layer effects one by one...

You can add a Color Balance Adjustment Layer above all the other layers, then tweak it so that the color is to your liking. When you copy a button off the ipb_gdk.psd, just Ctrl-click the adjustment layer so that it comes with the button layers. To select a button without having to find its name (for instance, "bf_new" in the top, left corner of the GDK) just tick "Auto Select Layer" on the options bar which is right below the menus in Photoshop. Now you can click on a button to select it, then drag it + the adjustment layer to a new 25px X 25px file for saving. Another thing you can do is create an instant set monochrome buttons by pressing Ctrl+1 after loading the ipb_gdk.psd file. That's just a couple of ideas, but there are many ways to skin a cat (and an IPB forum).


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