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Image Resizing

Guest Brock T

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First of all, I would like to apoligize if this has been covered somewhere else. I've done some searches and just keep coming up with the resize box color (basically). If this is addressed somewhere else, please post the url.

I understand the need and the thinking behind the image resizing in posts and signatures. It can be very annoying when someone mucks up a thread with a huge image. There are times however when an image needs to be viewed in its full size. I've noticed that when an image is resized, it is not clickable or anything to view the full size image. I can personally think of instances where this would be nice.

I guess I would just like to be able to click the image or something and be able to see the full original image somehow.


You can click the image - it opens up the full image in a new window :huh:

This doesn't work for me in IE6, it does with FF though...wonder what's up with that? (and it's not the popup blocker, I disabled it)

I can see this working for the topics, but the signature? Why not just simple set up a signature limit where if the image it to big it doesn't save the signature? Seems to be lot better then adding a resize/link new window.


It would be nice if clicking the full sized image in the pop-up closed the window, but eh not a big deal the x isn't too far off.

Edit: just thought of the auto-image resizing in browsers, that could conflict with that.


Ths js runs globally on an image that's been run through the bbcode parser.

Will it be easy to remove from the signature area, like just tell the JScript not to run for that area... Because that's the first thing I'm going to want to change :unsure:


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