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ACP Setting: "Native Server Time Zone" Broken?

Guest Hurin

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Hi All,

I hope this hasn't been posted yet (search didn't turn up anything).

In the ACP, under Tools & Settings--> Date & Time Formats. . .

The "Native Server Time Zone" Drop-down list is empty.

IPB Version v2.2.0 Public Beta 1 (ID: 1)
SQL Version MYSQL (4.0.16)
PHP Version 4.4.1 (apache)

I'm attaching a screenshot.




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Ah, sorry, didn't know as I haven't yet searched the bug tracker but I'm now running my installer so I'll start hunting bugs here momentarily and viewing the Bug Tracker as well.

Yeah, I highly suggest reading the bugtracker just quickly before submitting any bugs. Pretty much 50% of all newly submitted bugs have been DUPE'd. It's pretty much a waste of dev time marking them that could be better used finishing the product so we can get ourselves a shiny unencoded version :)
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