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Posts posted by Mert

  1. It finally made it to the top.


    There's an article on the resource site for adding it back in. I'd like to see it added back in by default (maybe 3.0.2?).

    Is it really that hard to drag and drop the scroll bar to the top or press the Home button on your keyboard? :blink:
  2. It's really easy to fix it :)

    Open: ./hooks/boardIndexRecentTopics_064a4f27500f09efa4fdba1c301b88d5.php


    $this->registry->class_localization->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_topic', 'forums' ) );

    Add below:

    $this->settings = $this->registry->fetchSettings();


    		foreach( $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forum_by_id as $forumID => $forumData )

    Add below:

    			if ( $forumData['id'] == $this->settings['forum_trash_can_id'] )

    Hope this helps :)

  3. Which of the women are you eyeing? ;)

    Who told you that? :ph34r:

    I don't think there will be peoples anymore, only Rikki profile picture on every page


    Hope they will decide to put a picture of Charles on About Us page.

    Yeah, I saw that tweet yesterday. Fingers crossed...

    Not likely.

    They're just random people, and sadly, they're not on the new website :(

    Thanks for replying! :)
  4. Yeah some parts look extremely similar but who cares? vBulletin is sinking because of their new owners and new development team. I don't like vB actually but it's sad to see a company like this...

    Also, they need to find a good designer as soon as possible. Look at that, didn't we pass 90s already?

  5. LOL Looks like someone was listening!!!

    see here for the code to add this link to the dropdown


    see quick and easy and only one page load to see em!


    We were listening but looks like you weren't ;)

    There are 3 different solutions on this page of the topic and you've just seen them? :blink:
  6. IPS should work harder to release sooner. Hey, why don't you just start rewriting IPB 3.0 for IPB 4.0 right now so we can see 4.0 in less than 4 years, eh? :P

    /me says with Albert Einstein style:

    I do not know when IP.Board 4.0 will be released, but it's preview will be

    right there


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