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Everything posted by stoo2000

  1. It should zoom all the way in to the markers, what is your URL ?
  2. Hi, Do you mean the initial view? The map will adjust itself to show the markers that are on it if you have markers.
  3. It does seem to work with 3.2 at the moment, it hasn't been tested as such and isn't garaunteed to work, a release will come near to 3.2 release to ensure compatibility.
  4. Member Map is compatible with IP.Board 3.0.0 upwards. Have a look at this great installation guide: http://community.invisionpower.com/resources/articles.html/_/ipboard-3x/tips-and-tricks/how-to-installupload-an-application-r537 It applies to any applications.
  5. So far it seems to work on IP.Board 3.2 :ahappy:
  6. It allows them to delete their own location, only super moderators and administrators can delete any location. That information isn't stored at the moment.
  7. Your ftp client should merge the folders when you upload it.
  8. Do you have a test account you can send me the details for ?
  9. What is the URL the show all link is pointing to ?
  10. Just looked, you've got the latest CSS, I wouldn't worry too much, if you click the marker again it will be fine. It only affects users with super moderator access. On a side note, just noticed you're not that far up the A55/A548 from me.
  11. Hi There were CSS changes too, so make sure that your CSS file is reverted.
  12. Hi, No I'm afraid not.
  13. It would be quite possible then if Rackspace are using the same IP for many sites.
  14. Hi Nick, Interesting idea, I'll send you a message about this. Stuart
  15. Google only allow so many geocoding requests per hour from the Server. It could be possible, if you're on a shared host, that someone else also uses the geocoding functionality.
  16. It's not a bug, it's a side affect of merging markers into one if they are placed in the same place. The Clustering system is 3rd party code, it only counts how many markers exist, it has no way of knowing that markers were merged (Since that is done in the back end)
  17. Hi, This was a reported bug in 1.0.3, http://ipb.silvesterwebdesigns.com/tracker/issue-9-extensionscoreextensionsphp-not-language-abstracted/ It was fixed in 1.0.4
  18. Hi, You need to make sure that you've uploaded the Javascript files that are included. Thanks.
  19. Just updated with 1.0.4, forgot to add an enhancement to the list though! If there are multiple markers in one location, they will be merged into one marker now. p.s., don't forget to revert template & css changes when upgrading (if you've modified the Map templates in the past)
  20. Thanks, I'll probably put a manual map page together soon to test all of the different combinations and possible solutions.
  21. Loads fine for me, try a different browser and see if you still get the issue.
  22. That data should already be in the skin variables, try adding it to the info box.
  23. Hi, Sorry I missed that. You would need to alter sources/classes/google.php around like 110. change the IPSMember::load() call to include 'customFields', then your custom fields will be available for the skin to use
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