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Everything posted by Novawave

  1. Not at the moment. I've just released an incremental update which should resolve this issue. No need to run the upgrader, just upload the changed files.
  2. Sorry, I spoke too soon. I forgot that the values for positive and negative aren't stored in the member row, only the aggregate score. It would be extremely inefficient to calculate this in the hook in every post. That's a good idea. I'll implement it next release. PMed it to you.
  3. No problem, I'll do it this weekend. It'll be included as an extra in the zip as well for those who want to use it.
  4. You enter in a number only, and you still get an error? To get the feedback to show up like that I could modify the hook. You'd need to make a few edits too. Let me know if you want me to do that.
  5. I've allowed access to download the script via the [url=" for most existing customers. If you can't access the download, PM me the ID you've been using to download on NovaScripts.com, and I'll move you over.
  6. Hmm, ok. I'll have to ask around about this issue, as I'm not sure why it's not working on some installs. For now, I've PMed you a copy of the script with notifications disabled.
  7. I asked another user experiencing this issue to help debug, was waiting for an answer. Could you try the following for me? Under Tools and Settings -> Cache Management, please recache 'notifications'.
  8. The latest version is 1.0.4 on the marketplace. I forgot to update the version string however, so it shows up as 1.0.0 in the Admin panel.
  9. I've responded to your PM. I'm looking into the issue, but at the moment no one else has reported the problem, so it may be specific to your installation.
  10. Strange. I've read through the topic you sent, and I am investigating. Is anyone else experiencing this?
  11. Upload everything under the upload folder to the root. The names should match the folders you already have for your IPB install (admin, applications_addon, etc).
  12. You have to set the permissions for each user group under Members -> Manage User Groups -> Feedback tab under each group.
  13. Yeah, that's the one that should have been fixed in 1.0.3. I'll look into it. In the meantime, a few posts back I describe how to disable notifications to stop that error.
  14. mikkee reported earlier, that by going to Members -> Notification Defaults and saving the page, it seems to fix the notification key error.
  15. Did you also follow the instructions above with the admin panel?
  16. The version in the admin control panel shows 1.0.0, because there's no need to run the upgrader. The download on http://novascripts.com is currently 1.0.3. You just need to upload the files and you'll be up-to-date.
  17. Check some previous posts for info on this error. If you have 1.0.3 uploaded, simply do this in the ACP, under Notification Defaults:
  18. I'm running 3.1.2 as well. The code is as follows: $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError($this->lang->words['noperms'], 1, false); The docs mention the default HTTP status passed for showError() is 500. If you're seeing nothing but the 500 error, without the page content, I'd assume it's your server configuration. You can set the status code to 200 by making the following changes. I haven't tested it, but it should work. $this->registry->getClass('output')->showError($this->lang->words['noperms'], 1, false, '', 200);
  19. Could you post the error? On my own installation, when leaving feedback for myself, it says "An Error Occurred - [#1] You do not have permission to perform this action"
  20. What happens for you? It should display a permission denied error.
  21. Interesting. Thanks for your insight! I've uploaded a new version of the script with this revision.
  22. Ah yeah, that's a better way to disable notifications, if you're having problems with them. I assume you unselected the options next to "Notify me when I receive feedback"? Again, hopefully the issue will be resolved at the next IPB release.
  23. Thanks for the suggestion. I've added it to my list for the next version, which I'll try to release early next month.
  24. Sounds like an error occurred, but error reporting is disabled? It may be the notification issue. A small percentage of people seem to be affected by it. I asked in the contributor chat about it, and was directed to an IPB bug that might be the cause. Hopefully the next release resolves it. In the mean time, here's a file edit to disable notifications: Comment out (//) lines 309-316 of /admin/applications_addon/other/feedback/modules_public/view/view.php. I'll post the edited file in the download area soon.
  25. I noticed your post on invisionize, I've emailed you earlier actually. There is an update available that fixes the page issue, if you're experiencing it. I'm not sure what's going on with the notification system, that shouldn't be happening. Could you PM me with more info/examples of that. Feedback is recounted when a member receives it. Otherwise, you'll need to follow the directions in the ttTrader instructions to have it recounted when their feedback profile is visited. There's no current way to automatically recount everything at once, after an import like you did.
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