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Posts posted by LindsayFL

  1. On 2/20/2023 at 8:31 AM, Makoto said:

    If you would like, you can send me a message here and I can help you get upgraded fee of charge. You are still in the clients group, so I believe your license should still be active.

    That is so sweet of youMakoto!💓

    I may have to take you up on it as I do know that my site is compatible, I just do not have a Tech ATM, but I am hoping as someone said they would help.

    My host gave me the wrong info!  I am in a terrible state of mind right now.


  2. On 2/21/2023 at 3:52 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

    Unfortunately, we do not provide upgrade services. While we can direct you in how to upgrade, we are unable to do this on your behalf.

    To explain. Upgrading is a case of selecting the upgrade button within your admin CP, however as you are on a version prior to 4.7, it would likely involve ensuring you are on PHP 8, and ensuring that any 3rd party items you have are compatible. Those are items you would need your hosting company for, and would need to update 3rd party items for. Even if we were to do the upgrade, those items would still need to occur

    If you are having issues on your hosting side of things on running your site, you may actually be better off on our cloud solution. 

    I am not having issues with Hosting, what do you charge for Hosting may I ask?


  3. Hello, and I hope you all had a very happy St. Patty's Day!

    I have been with IPB, now IPS since 2004 and I am glad I have.  Thank you.  Unfortunately, I am not a Technician.  I do think I run a good Forum tho.

    I am trying to get rid of the WP that a tech attached to my Forum but I was told it would destroy my Forum itself.

    My members do come and go, even ones from way back, but I cannot find a good Tech to help me since mine passed in Dec 2017,

    and I have gone through awful ones, plus now my SO of 24 yrs just passed last month.

    I cannot seem to do upgrades, I did get rid of most of the spammers and a handful of my faithful members became Moderators!  Yay!

    My donation buttons are there but does not connect in the ACP, I do not understand all of it, I need help. I so need a Technician to help me. 

    I have a useless brain, especially right now as I am still grieving it has been a little over a month and I have so much to do.

     I need to find a place to live, a car to find, and a phone as Sprint is on my back and turned off my phone even though it was my SO's business account that I was on!  

    I have Google Adsense, which does not bring in much as I am trying to figure it out as my SO took care of it.

    My SO was extremely ill and left me with a lot of his debt of course thank goodness is not mine, but some companies like Sprint still think it is.

    If anyone can help my Forum so that I can be able to pay all my bills that will past due including rent, as social security just will not do it alone.

    IPS, which will be coming up shortly, and I do not want to fall behind in all that am going to owe, I would appreciate it. 


    Thank you,

    Lindsay Reday


  4. 17 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    It is worth noting that there has been quite a lot of spam around lately. While we have some decent spam measures in the software, nothing will ever be perfect, and there will be times where sites will be targeted.

    This said, in the first instance, please update your site to the latest release of the platform. Once you have done that, update your access details on file, and I can certainly review what you have set there, in order to advise


    I wish it was that simple for me. 

    If I knew those technical aspects of my Forums I would certainly do that.  As I said, I have no help to upgrade at this time


  5. I am getting inundated in every Forum with SPAM!  I thought my Billing twice a year included SPAM protection at least a little bit.
    Please help me!
    My husband, LGJ, is in the hospital on a respirator for the past 4 days, and I did not even know about all of this spam until one of the members of my Forums notified me! 

    Then I checked my email and Lo and behold every hour another notification...


    "HeatherG  613
    Started conversation: 8 hours ago · IP 


    Please help us.  This is a sacred place.  This is my second home.
    Someone is just sitting and posting nonsense in the forums area. 
    What is happening in the topics area?  It's all airlines and avast." 

    It is not "Just Someone"!!!!  It is a Batch of Spammers hitting on my Forums!!!!!
    Please help me, I am w/o a webmaster and I cannot think except I keep flagging them, but they just keep coming in droves daily!!!!

    I cannot keep this up, I am at the Hospital hoping dear lord that my husband gets off this respirator!!!!  It is not covid, it is his heart, and kidneys!


    Lindsay Reday

    Member of IPB since 2004

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