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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by lschuc

  1. OK.. will do. thanks Jim for your help and guidance this week! I know it was frustrating for me and probably repetitious for you 🙂 Overall, the Invision Forum has been pretty much trouble free and hands-off for probably more than our 10+ years of use. I truly appreciate everyone's help this week and in past years!
  2. When I copied files from the new version folder I had downloaded from the client file area, I moved them into my Forums folder except for the Uploads folder. I left that folder unchanged, since I did not want to overwrite the old Uploads folder with the new one, which would have been empty.
  3. Jim, I just rechecked and the /uploads folder is in the /forums folder where I think it should be. Posts people did yesterday after the forum came back online show images, but not previous days posts.
  4. No, the images are not missing from the server, they are listed in the files list in the ACP. The images put on posts yesterday show but previous posts with images show broken in their posts. do I need to run something to reconnect those other images to their posts?
  5. Jim, I finally got the forum to work. Since I couldn't log onto the ACP at the time, I retrieved the .htaccess from the previous day from a backup, put it in the Forums folder and now we can log in and read and post to the forum. But looking at some of the topics/posts that have images, the images from before today seem to all be broken. In the ACP > Files section, I see all the image file names, but those from before July 9 are broken images in their posts. How can run something to get them attached? Would I also need to go to ACP -> System -> Search Engine Optimization -> then download and apply the .htaccess file according to the instructions in the description of the "Rewrite URLs" field.
  6. I found the .htacess file from the last backup and moved it into the aoai folder, but now rather that ask for an email and password, it downloads a PHP file with the code: <?php /** * @brief Admin CP bootstrap * @author <a href='https://www.invisioncommunity.com'>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a> * @copyright (c) Invision Power Services, Inc. * @license https://www.invisioncommunity.com/legal/standards/ * @package Invision Community * @since 18 Feb 2013 */ \define('REPORT_EXCEPTIONS', TRUE); require_once '../init.php'; \IPS\Dispatcher\Admin::i()->run(); Is there a way to reset the htaccess file another way?
  7. Jim, I changed the PHP version to 8.1 so now need to go to the ACP but not getting the password correct for my email. I changed/updated them yesterday and put them in the stored access information on Invision's suite for you all to use, but can't see what I wrote... just dots. Is there some way for me to see that? Using another browser, I clicked on the SIGN IN link and then the Forgot Password link, but that also only shows a page with the OOPS! THAT PAGE CAN'T BE FOUND. So apparently I can not see how to change/update my passwords, or if I'm really using the correct passwords, the login page or ACP is not recognizing it. Any way to get past this, either changing the passwords or recognizing the passwords?
  8. Jim, teraByte, Marc S., I did what you recommended yesterday and updated the server PHP to actually 8.3 newest version and then after downloading the latest forum version from your client area, manually moved all the files from the folder into the web server (but not moving the Uploads folder since it holds all the images users have supplied. Then I ran the upgrade process, aoai.org/forums/admin/upgrade and ran the upgrade. I can now go to the site (aoai.org/forums) and do not see any error messages as before, but clicking on any item brings up a page: OOPS! THAT PAGE CAN’T BE FOUND. It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try one of the links below or a search? Is the forum software disconnected from the database? and if so, how to reconnect? Also, I am apparently logged into the forum page, but when I try to go to the ACP I can. not log in. I get a red box warning: The email address or password was incorrect. Please try again (make sure your caps lock is off). I don't see where I can change/update the password. Also, when I go to a different web browser to log in, I guess I'm logging in , but get the same OOPS! THAT PAGE CAN'T BY FOUND page. So, I must be getting closer to solving this, I hope!
  9. Jim, I downloaded the upgrade folder from the client area (folder name: its_851.be). Would I run the upgrade from my computer? or replace file? Not sure how to upgrade the forum software since I CAN NOT log into the ACP. And the upgrade folder I downloaded from the client area 15 items (8 folders and 7 files). The /forums folder on the server has 30 items. Since I am stuck permanently on this, I wish you could identify the old version files and remove them and install the latest version for me. I would pay Invision Community for the tech support, if required. I just need to get this fixed.
  10. I am looking at the /forums folder in the server, but I don't know how to see or fine the version 3 files to delete. Or should I just delete the /forums folder and start over? Of course, I would not want to delete the database, since that would remove all of the many forum posts and topics as well as all the users. Or can you look in the /forums folder and identify the ver. 3 files? Again, I can not upgrade to the latest version since I am unable to log into the ACP.
  11. Jim, Sorry for my delay today.... I think I got it now. I updated the FTP password in client access. Hope this works now. 😃
  12. Jim, I checked and tried something else. See if these logons work. Lew
  13. just went into my client access on your website and updated the passwords for the FTP server, and admin CP URL and access. Hope that works. Lew
  14. Marc, Like I mentioned earlier, I CAN NOT ACCESS MY ACP!! So how can I find out or show access details in the ACP or use the tools in the ACP to restore the forum app?
  15. I DID CHECK the conf_global.php file on the server and it IS INDEED correct showing https:// But I CAN NOT still log into the ACP. I still get this response on after logging in: [[Template core/admin/global/globalTemplate is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]] I do not know where else to turn. I have used your forum for MANY years. PLEASE give me a phone number or email to get help from your support. If any cost, I can gladly pay the cost. I tried everything above and can not log into the ACP!
  16. Jim, or any Invision team member: I can NOT get into my Admin CP. I tried running the constants.PHP but that did nothing. When I log into my ACP, it get ONLY the following message: [[Template core/admin/global/globalTemplate is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]] When I go on to a forum page, the following error codes are at the bottom of the page: [[Template core/front/global/footer is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]] Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'IPS\core\extensions\core\AdminNotifications\PiiDataRequest' not found in /home/raymondl/public_html/aoai.org/forums/applications/core/sources/AdminNotification/AdminNotification.php:396 Stack trace: #0 /home/raymondl/public_html/aoai.org/forums/applications/core/sources/AdminNotification/AdminNotification.php(257): IPS\core\_AdminNotification::constructFromData(Array) #1 /home/raymondl/public_html/aoai.org/forums/applications/core/sources/AdminNotification/AdminNotification.php(273): IPS\core\_AdminNotification::allNotifications() #2 /home/raymondl/public_html/aoai.org/forums/applications/core/sources/AdminNotification/AdminNotification.php(370): IPS\core\_AdminNotification::find('core', 'ConfigurationEr...', 'taskLock-2895') #3 /home/raymondl/public_html/aoai.org/forums/system/Task/Task.php(274): IPS\core\_AdminNotification::remove('core', 'ConfigurationEr...', 'taskLock-2895') #4 /home/raymondl/public_html/aoai.org/forums/system/Task/Task.php(229): IPS\_Task->run() #5 /home/raymondl/p in /home/raymondl/public_html/aoai.org/forums/applications/core/sources/AdminNotification/AdminNotification.php on line 396 So I can NOT do anything you mention above and can not find where to fix this. I have been a very long time customer and user of our Invision Community forum software and have always received prompt and excellent service and you were always able to fix any problems. Now I can't get any help to fix this problem. I am willing to pay Invision Community to solve this problem but it seems like that is impossible!! PLEASE HELP!! LEW
  17. I'm looking at the file server in my FTP app and I don't see a recovery mode.
  18. But my only problem is that even I can NOT log into the forum or the admin pages. And the existing theme was the default theme that I never changed. So I can not get to the ACP login to use the recovery mode. When I try to log in, I get the warning in the attached screenshot, and when I click SEND, it loops back to the log in screen. This is what regular forum users get too. Lew
  19. But the only problem is that even I can NOT log into the forum or the admin pages. And the existing theme was the default theme that I never changed.
  20. the problem is logging into the /forums page to re-update the Invision forum theme, as requested in this banner line that shows: [[Template core/front/global/updateWarning is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]] The forum theme I am using is from Invision Power Service (https://invisioncommunity.com/). Something is not correct with this, and other users are having problems logging into the forum. Also, I can not log in either to the Invision Community admin. When trying to log in, I get an insecure form warning, and it just loops back to the forum admin login page, as it does from what I am hearing from other forum users. Also, in addition, when I or anyone tries to log in with their forum account (aoai.org/forums) it does not accept the login and tells the user to log in again or sign up [[Template core/front/global/footer is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]
  21. Thank you!! It took me a bit of searching to find the spam defense settings, but I saw what was causing new registrations to be immediately banned. This is now changed and hopefully will be good now. This apparently must have been reset when I updated the server software.
  22. For. years I have had our forum at aoai.org/forums set to manually approve all new forum users by me. But now the new users are automatically being banned, which never happened before. This seemed to have happened after I upgraded to the current forum software. I don't see where I can change this, and is very frustrating.
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