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Posts posted by RObiN-HoOD

  1. Unfortunately most books I want are greek and are only in goodreads.

    If you support it in the future there is a chance to buy it.

  2. While trying to upgrade to latest I got:

    Sorry, you do not have permission for that!
    1S111/1 Class IPS\links\setup\upg_500032\Upgrade could not be loaded. Ensure it has been properly prefixed with an underscore and is in the correct namespace.


  3. 23 hours ago, odevriese said:


    I can't install the last version 3.5.1 on 2 different communities. I have the following error:

    1C133/9 1C133/9 The application you uploaded cannot be installed because it is not a valid application, the archive is corrupt or the file and directory permissions in /applications do not allow it.

    Is there a problem with the archive?

    chown the files as apache.

  4. Updated and checking. Will report later.

    Also, every time I update the app I need to re-run the tool for all groups to track. Is that normal? If I don't, when I click the Track Members tab on the frontpage of the site it doesn't show any member being tracked.

  5. Ok thanks.

    I did a STOP ALL TRACKING and ru-run tool for all groups I wanted. I queried to check for each group if there are any NOT tracked members and all returned 0. That's good.

    Now I'll have just to wait to see if for some reason tracked members are somehow untracked, because I think I saw something like that. Tracked people after some time to become untracked. I'll check later or tomorrow.

  6. What I did now is stop tracking everybody and then re-run the tool on all groups to track them back. In the first time not all members where tracked. In the second time it tracked also some that where not tracked the first time. Now I don't know if there are any more not being tracked,

    30 days re-runs where in the version in 3.4.x. Now this is not he case.

    Well, I don't know if it's easy for you to send me a query to show all members of MEMBERS group which are NOT being tracked. That would help me a lot.

  7. I have an issue. After running the tool to mark several groups as tracked I see that under "Members" which is the group with the most users are not tracked all of them. 

    I found this issue because I found at least one Member not been tracked as it should.

    In order to achieve tracking for all of them I had to re-run the TRACK MEMBERS for group "Members".

    I remembered I had the same issue in the previous version, 3.4.x, but that was not that much of a problem since I had to manually re-run the tracking every 30 days. But now that there is a indefinitely option this is an issue because if someone is skipped you can't know it until checked.

    I suggest test the tool with many users (Members) at once and then see if there is any Member who are not tracked for whatsoever reason.

    If you need access to my site send PM. Perhaps it's just me but should be weird.

  8. Not sure if this is of any relevance but from the moment I installed the updated version for Clubs support I get this:

    The following tasks appear to be locking frequently: clubrebuild.

    Anyone else?

  9. 23 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Ah ok, now I see what you mean. Track all members for a number of days then I’ll send a query to amke it indefinitely. I’ll add in next version to be released next version. 

    Ok thanks. I'll wait for a button to track all settings-selected groups indefinitely (or similar). Whatever the case please make it easy.

    23 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    This is a change made in the 11th hour for @JTHastings to not show the logs to the profile owner but I’m really not happy with it. I’ll send a PM telling how to change that. I’ll also rethink this in new version. 

    Don't like it. Even if you go with this make a note, like IPB makes with admin password, that this can't be changed in frontend but only in ACP. Similarly instead of error, show that this info can be shown only in ACP, or even better put a link for direct ACP access into the specific LOGS (or similar) for convenience.

  10. Also, when I track the ROOT group which there is only 1 user, me, as ROOT user of IPB, in my profile I don't have a TRACK MEMBER / CHANGE SETTING button and when I click on the tab "Track members log" I get "Error code: TM - PROFILE TAB/1".

    In ACP -> TRACK MEMBERS -> Logs, my logs ARE logged, so logging is working for me too, but in the profile button in not shown and tab is throwing an error.

  11. 17 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Existing members can be tracked indefinitely.

    Yes but I can't go to each member's profile  and select each one to be tracked indefinitely. That's clearly insane. 

    How can I select ALL current members to be tracked indefinitely? All groups CAN be tracked, as set in Settings, but in Tools there in only a "days per specific group". I need to automatically track all groups all members. How can I do that? If this is supposed to happen automatically it isn't working on me as everything is set up but nothing is logged out of the box.

    One solution, I guess, would be to add to Tools -> Track Members, after the number of days, a checkbox named "indefinitely" as in other places. So I can select each group to be tracked indefinitely or even better create a new Tool to automatically track all selected groups indefinitely.


  12. 2 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    It’s the opposite. For new members, currently, you need to enter a number of days. I can change that in next version. 

    Please do that and I'll buy it ASAP.

  13. Can I use this app for tags reordering? By default I can't in the configuration of tags.

    In IPB4 when you add a tag it's just added at the end. I have around 40 tags. If I delete the 5th and want to add another at that position I can't. It's added at the end no matter what. If I remember correctly in IPB3 it was a big text field and you could add it wherever you wanted.

    Any solution to this?

  14. On 4/14/2017 at 4:30 PM, Adriano Faria said:

    If you uninstalled, then you lost your data. You should have requested support before doing that.

    Do you have a backup ? If you still have it, send a dump from links_ tables so I can retest the upgrade stuff; it always worked and it was used for a bunch of users here.

    It seems that in the end it was an issue on my part. Everything seems to work now. @Adriano Faria was more than helpful with support. Thanks.

  15. Upon upgrading from 3.4.x to I got the following error:

    1S111/1 Can't DROP 'category_title'; check that column/key exists

    The app is there but can't be used. Some tables are available and data seems there but not usable.

    I tried reinstalling, same error.

    Uninstalling and installing works but data is lost.

    Any ideas?

  16. In my community when someone what to be deleted, rarely, I disable (ban, which "hides" the member as well) their account. It would be nice to have a feature like that and if the admin wants to truely delete the account from the db it must be done through ACP.

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