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Adam Chernoff

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Posts posted by Adam Chernoff

  1. On 3/24/2024 at 6:33 AM, Jim M said:

    "Read Topics" permission will allow that group to read the topic so if that isn't what you want you would want to disable that permission. Then inside the forum that you want the groups that do not have "Read Topics" permission to be able to view a list of topics inside the forum but not read the topics, you would edit the forum and enable "Users without read permission can open forum?"

    Great, this helped!

  2. Hello, 

    I am looking for help as I try to set up my site before buying the annual plan. 

    I want everyone to be able to visit the website, see the forums and read the topics, but once they click on a topic to read the post and replies, it prompts them to subscribe with a paywall to be able to read further. 

    Example of this is here at WRX: https://forums.golfwrx.com in their "ClubWRX Members Forum". Anyone can open the forum, but as soon as you click on a thread, boom, you are hit with the paywall. 

    On my current demo site: https://n330193.invisionservice.com I have tried to replicate this functionality but I cannot get it working as anticipated. 

    What I have done: 

    • Created a subscriber group 
    • Created an an annual subscription
      • When a member buys, they are upgraded to the subscriber group
    • In "permissions" for "2024 NFL Season" board, I have "see forum" and "read topics" checked for all groups, and then have only admin and subscribers checked for "post new topics", "reply to topics" and "download attachments". 
    • When I edit the "2024 NFL Season" board, I put the custom no permission message to a test of "subscribers only, click here to subscribe"

    However, none of this seems to apply, as any group type from non logged in guest to admin can open any topic and read the post and replies. 

    Can someone tell me what I am missing and how to get this to work like intended or WRX Members Forum above? 

    Thank you

  3. Hello,

    I have completed all of the instructions listed on the website from the domain side to point at my forum. It says afterward to contact support. Is this the right spot to do so? If not, can someone please help me out? I am confused here on how to make this work. 

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