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Everything posted by jbernard1973

  1. Hi Jim, The system is doing it, the only action I take is hitting the button to submit all all images. - I have no browser extensions enabled except for the one doing the screen capture (Awesome Screenshot) - It is a stock theme, we have just adjusted colors and fonts using the default interface (no css or anything like that) - behavior persists in incognito mode. It does not do it if I simply upload the images without editing captions or description. So my guess is something is happening when the captions are getting written to the database. Here's the record of the 26 attempts Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Pass Fail Pass Pass Fail Fail Pass Pass Fail Pass Pass Pass Fail Pass Pass Fail Fail Fail Pass Pass
  2. I understand that, but when I login to the account, and view the support page, I see the attached message, which implies that I AM authorized to submit a support ticket. Otherwise why would it be there? The owner is unavailable on vacation for a month, so it is unlikely he will make any changes during that time.
  3. I manage a community for the owner, and I am listed on the account as an Alternative Contact. When I log into the site, and go to support, it says the support email must come from the following email and lists my correct email. HOWEVER every time I attempt to open a support request, I get the email stating: Your support email was not received. Thank you for contacting Invision Community! Unfortunately, we could not find an active customer account or an alternative account with this email address. - i can see the community under my account - my email is listed as the alternate contact - my email is listed as the email that the support request comes from Can you guys fix this process? It would be great if you had a ticketing system like most companies, where I could submit a form, get a ticket number I can track, and see my past tickets. As of now I have to email someone on the sales side, they forward it to a support person and THEN, days later, I get some response. Also - all your support people seem to have the same email, so I can't even email a support person who previously handled an issue for me. It would be great if you could get this aspect sorted out. Thanks
  4. I have about 4k images that need to be sorted into galleries, each with a unique title and metadata. When adding the images, I add about 20, modify the title and description for each, and then hit the submit all images button. About 50% of the time this action FAILS. Sometimes it adds only the first image, other times it uploads no images at all. I took note of image uploads in the past hour. Of the 26 attempted uploads, 11 failed. - The uploads seem to work for every other upload, but occasionally I will get 2 in a row to succeed (or 2 in a row to fail) - Number of images does not seem to matter, I have tried 25 images per upload, or 2 images per upload. - Most images are jpg format, under 100k - I'm using a Macbook pro, I have tried with Firefox and chrome, latest versions, without running an ad block software. - I average about 3 minutes from when I initially upload the images, to filling out the metadata and hitting submit. Considering the amount of images I have left to do, this is a potential nightmare. It would be great if I could batch edit metadata AFTER I upload but your system does not support that. Can you please fix this? Here is an example gallery https://www.alphadrome.net/gallery/album/13-misc-vintage-space-toys/ I've attached a video showing the behavior. Please skip to the end to see the upload fail. The progress bar shows for a split second then kicks you back to the gallery. Thank you! Misc-Vintage-Space-Toys---Alphadrome-Home-of-the-Robots-brought-to-you-by-the-Bilotta-Collection (1).mp4
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