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  1. Thanks! All a little more manual/tedious than I was hoping for, but I have a path forward. Thank you!
  2. @teraßyte This almost works. I have a few peppered in this group that I don't need to move, but I don't see a way to filter them out. The condition that I have is that I have everyone defaulting to the Primary group of Member and then I've assigned a secondary group of Vinyl Club Member to this 1600ish people. I need to take the 1600ish people and remove them from the secondary group of Vinyl Club Member and make that their Primary group. Then there are some people that only have the group of Member assigned that need to stay in the group Member. But when I do as suggested it allows me to filter and move by the Primary group, but I need to include the secondary group in this process and I don't see a way to do that. I can't even sort the full list of members by their groups. It only does the page that I'm on. There are only 67 pages, so it's not completely unreasonable to go through page by page and make a note of the smaller number that need manually updated after updating in mass, but this seems lacking for the ability to filter out members and manipulate them in mass.
  3. While learning how I want to set up my community I've ended up wanting to change the primary group for about 1600 members. However, I can't figure out a way to do this without clicking through each member in ACP and editing them one by one. Is it possible to do this via a CSV import or even through API? My attempt to update via CSV ignored the updates because the member already existed.
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