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Everything posted by LarsKa

  1. I was able to login now, thank you very much! Appreciate the continuous efforts!
  2. Now the message has changed: There was an error authenticating with the Marketplace. Please try again later or contact technical support for assistance. The license key is not recognised. (invalid_request)
  3. Maybe I can change the mail address of the customer account and then merge these accounts? I don't think it makes sense for me to have two accounts. I probably made a mistake during registration.
  4. Thats also what I read in another post. But I got a license since last friday. I also already tried logging out an in again (also with a different browser). It is interesting that I have a different display name in the forum, than in the customer area. But the same mail address. I guess there are somehow 2 accounts with the same mail address.
  5. Hi experts I just installed Invision Community successful on my own server and configured already multiple things. Now I wanted to install a free translation pack but I am always seeing the message "Sorry, you aren't permitted to download this file" when I surf the marketplace here. Does this have something to do because I also still have a demo account running? I also tried directly from ACP of course. When I click the button "Sign in to Marketplace" a new window pops up which asks me what account I would like to use. I only have one Invision account (that one, where I bought the software and I am using to write this post). So when I click on "Continue as LarsKa" it says "You must sign in with the license holder's account, or an alternate contact who has been granted access to this community's license.". Any idea where I am wrong? Thank you so much!
  6. You're absolutely right! I was installing with "www" and original installation was without "www". Thank you so much, appreciate!
  7. Hi experts I installed Invision Community on my domain and configured as well as documented everything for me. After installation I wasn't able to login as admin. I thought there might have been a typo in password (despite being impossible in my opinion because I use a password manager). So my thought was to delete everything and start installation all over again. But no I am stuck on the license screen. It says that the license already has been acitvated (correct). But I need to reinstall (it is the same domain of course). What can I do now? Thanks in advance!
  8. Hi Jim Thank you so much! It worked well for me.
  9. Hello experts I am planning to build a small private community for our international club. The goal of the community is for me to provide learning videos up to 15 minutes long for the members. In addition, a cross-video exchange (forum) should be possible. Now I started the test version and wanted to test the gallery component. Unfortunately, I can not upload videos there (file type restriction). Is it possible to adjust the file type restriction or is this not possible in the test version? I would like to test it because its a very important point for us, as the main activity is consuming videos. In addition, the videos should really only be visible to members and structurable into folders, as well as linkable to the forum. Do I understand correctly that translation files can only be downloaded once the purchase has been completed? The website will be self hosted because its too expensive for us otherwise. Thanks a lot
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