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Posts posted by blackcab.th

  1. We recently re-indexed the achievements for our forum.

    The results are 99.9 per cent correct, however we have found some unexplained anomalies.

    1 point is awarded for each topic or post, so we would expect to see a member's total achievement points to be very similar to a member's post count. In nearly all cases this is correct.

    However, with the anomalies we have a few members whose total achievement points that are tens of thousands of points less than their post count.

    Examples would be:

    Member UJ: 105k posts/73k points

    Member JT: 121k posts/83k points

    Does anyone have any idea why this is?

    I understand we can manually adjust the achievement points for the 100-200 affected members.

  2. 3 hours ago, Jim M said:

    Are your background tasks running? This can be checked in by typing "Tasks" in the ACP search and reviewing that the tasks are running. If you are running the background tasks by traffic and you have low traffic, these background tasks may not be running efficiently but still running.

    Thank you for your reply. Tasks are running and are set to the default of run automatically with traffic. The site has moderate traffic, definitely not low traffic.

    What I don't understand is why this issue only affects some topics and not others.

  3. 3 hours ago, DawPi said:

    They are counted but... updating via task, so there may be delay in updating views count. But hey! They will be!

    Thank you for your reply. The views counter for some topics has not been updated for 18+ hours or longer. The issue is only happening with some topics. Other topics in the same forum do display incremental views.

  4. 3 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    No. Just go to the marketplace in your ACP and you will see an upgrade notice. If you can’t see it, search for generic in the ACP marketplace and update it.

    EDIT: make sure the plugin was installed after the upgrade. It is an application now.

    Apologies. We have searched for plugins and apps in Marketplace, and we cannot find it. Very strange.

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