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Everything posted by PipeAd

  1. @Jim M Thank you for your response. So it sounds like I was correct in how I was thinking it through, and it just isn't really advisable to give permission/access to individual things. What would be the possible fallout of having so many groups? Apart from it just being a lot to manage and sort through. Maybe we can do the 1:1 for a little while (there will likely be 2-4 events per year, with ~6 presentations each), and then after we have X number of presentations/events, we can switch to a per-event model, or all-or-nothing subscription.
  2. We just hosted our first in-person event, in which there were 6 presentations. We would like to sell "online access" to these presentations, with options to purchase either all the presentations for whole event, or individual presentations. We do not want to send the videos or files to the individuals - just allow access to them within our community. We originally started setting up the presentations as a course, with each different presentation as a different lesson within the course. The plan was to create a product which, when purchased, adds them to a group, which group then has access to that course. But this option does not allow selling of individual presentations. There will be more events in the future, and thus more presentations, which means potentially hundreds of "products" to sell. And if we need to assign different groups for every presentation, that can get out of hand really quickly. How can we make this scalable?
  3. Is there a way to enable emails to the admin(s) when a new idea is submitted?
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