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Drew Adkins

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Posts posted by Drew Adkins

  1. 11 hours ago, David N. said:

    I'm not sure how you were doing this in XenForo but in Invision you can add custom CSS for individual elements in the file custom.css:

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Page, Text

    In XenForo you could see the individual items and change the classes by adding text, color etc. via a intuitive panel in the ACP without opening the custom.css. 

  2. First of all, I want to thank a random user for introducing me to IPS. I'm a XenForo fanboy and have left it in the past.

    I love IPS, the only thing I feel is missing is the ease of customizability that we had with XenForo, where you could edit individual items CSS styling without opening the entire stylesheet or code file.

  3. 3 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Im not sure what would be causing that issue, as its clearly accessible. I would ask however, why you would be doing this? Are you aware it submits itself?

    I was not aware, it's just a habit I've always done with every website I've built.

    3 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Im not sure what would be causing that issue, as its clearly accessible. I would ask however, why you would be doing this? Are you aware it submits itself?

    So I shouldn't have to do anything to have it indexed by google?

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