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Posts posted by EvanDC

  1. Can I just add here my absolute horror at the typo for "write" in my OP. I can only assume I had been awake for less time than was required and my sleep addled brain got thrown by the use of "might". I'm so sorry to everyone, including my extensive schooling, and my parents!

    32 minutes ago, Daniel F said:

    You could use an additional editor field where you’ll post only the related content links. 

    Is it possible to setup such a field with a multi selection drop down box of articles, so when writing the new article you can select as many other articles in the database as you want to link to? I'm guessing not. 

  2. Hi there, 

    Is there a way, when adding an article, to display a manually curated list of related articles, files, downloads etc? 

    I know you can use the tag system or organise things into categories, but I'm looking for something which would allow for a more specific and controlled way of linking and promoting content items which are very specifically related. 

    For example, you might right Article A, and then alongside it have a widget/block which said "Other articles in this series: Article B, Article C, Article D... etc". 


  3. Just an update on this ... In the category view I can see a thumbnail for the video I've added, so that is working. But when I click on the video thumbnail it takes me to the video page and there it says the embed code failed. I can see the text link to the video, but no video player or thumbnail. 

  4. Right - I have a Youtube API key and copied that in the settings. 

    When trying to add a video from youtube I'm copying and pasting the full url from the address bar. Is the Oembed url something different? When I save the newly added video it says "Video embed failed."

    Is there a step by step guide to using this app? 

  5. Ok, I've reset it now to the code you gave and used the scale function rather than width/height settings. That's helped me. 

    But now the top padding is massive. Can you explain where the padding figure of padding-top: 141.4286% comes from? And how I might reduce this to get rid of a load of empty space above the embedded template? 

  6. {{if $formValue}}
    <div style="position: relative; width: 33%; height: 33%; padding-top: 25%;
     padding-bottom: 0; background: transparent; margin-top: 1.6em; margin-bottom: 0.9em; overflow: hidden;
     border-radius: 0px; will-change: transform;">
      <iframe loading="lazy" style="position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; background: transparent; border: none; padding: 0;margin: 0;"
        src="{$formValue}?embed" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" allow="fullscreen">

    This is what I've done to the code to reduce the size and try and get rid of the black background.

  7. Right - that is really helpful. Thank you. I think I'm there! 

    I've added a Canva button and manually adding the link through code to edit the template, so that's fine. 

    Last question I hope ... 

    Any idea how to get rid of the black box around the embedded view? 

    Could contain: File, Person, Webpage, Text, Face, Head

  8. Ok - we're getting somewhere!! 

    Two more questions - which obviously you are free not to waste your time on (time for which I'm very grateful already - thank you)...

    1)How do I make this work in a custom block, the block pulling the relevant field from the relevant record - ie, the block updates the url depending on which record is being viewed 

    2)This code is just displaying a passive view of the template. There's no click through link to Canva itself. Any idea how I might get this to be clickable so it take me to the actual template ready to edit? 

    Thanks again. 

  9. Hmmm, in which case I'm confused. 

    Canva help files says this about that link (which is the smart link for the template in question):

    For platforms that don’t support HTML embed codes, we suggest using smart embed links. They work on many websites, including the following:

    • WordPress.com
    • Medium
    • Any website with oEmbed support
  10. Hi there - I've just bought your plugin - thank you. 

    I'm trying to setup my site to showcase and link through to my library of Canva templates. 

    Canva says it supports oEmbed  and offers links to export for each template. 

    Here's an example: 


    What should I be doing to make this "come alive" as it were? I've installed your plugin and can't see where to configure anything in particular. Are there further things I should be doing? Or are you aware with issues re Canva in particular? 

  11. Thanks again! You're a rockstar. 

    This is an example of the the embed codes Canva offers, the first is the first <div> code block you can export, and the second is the oEmbed url they provide: 

    <div style="position: relative; width: 100%; height: 0; padding-top: 141.4286%;
     padding-bottom: 0; box-shadow: 0 2px 8px 0 rgba(63,69,81,0.16); margin-top: 1.6em; margin-bottom: 0.9em; overflow: hidden;
     border-radius: 8px; will-change: transform;">
      <iframe loading="lazy" style="position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; border: none; padding: 0;margin: 0;"
        src="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;www.canva.com&#x2F;design&#x2F;DAFZWegAizg&#x2F;view?embed" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" allow="fullscreen">
    <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;www.canva.com&#x2F;design&#x2F;DAFZWegAizg&#x2F;view?utm_content=DAFZWegAizg&amp;utm_campaign=designshare&amp;utm_medium=embeds&amp;utm_source=link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Copy of H</a> by TheVestry

    I've installed the oEmbed plugin you linked to (thanks) and will give it a go. 

    Assuming I can get the embedding to work, how do I go about creating a block which for each record pulls the embed code from the database? I've watched your course on Databases and I'm afraid I'm none the wiser! 

  12. Hi, I'm slowly getting to grips with Pages and Databases. 

    I'm trying to create a database to showcase my Canva templates. Canva has an oEmbed framework or a div block embed code export to work with. 

    I've created a database and have a text block for writing about the template, an image upload (which I probably don't need), and an url field to also copy in the url to the template. 

    I have my categories sorted and displaying on the page, and I can add records just fine. 

    What I would like is a block on each page which displays the oEmbed code link for each template. I want to put the Canva template into a block so I can keep the layout consistent for each record regardless of what size the Canva item is. One Canva template per record. 

    I've tried creating a custom block, but I can't see how to link a database field contents to the content of the block. I must be doing something daft I'm sure. 

    Any help gratefully received. Thanks. 

  13. I have a print-on-demand account with a company in the UK who have an API for managing their processes with 3rd party storefronts. It works seemlessly with shopify for instance. 

    Is there any such API two-way communication built into Invision's store front? Or any plans to do so in the future at all? 



  14. hi - this is a bit of a niche question. 

    I'm about to invite into my community a group of people who need a safe and confidential space to meet and chat and share resources. I want to check how I do this properly for them. 

    I know how to create forums and clubs which can be hidden from other user groups. My questions though are: 

    If items such as files, books, web links, and so on are added to a privately setup Club, can those items still be seen anywhere else on the site? I'm presuming not but I wanted to check. 

    If I create a specific usergroup for these people as a secondary group (let's call it Group B) for them to belong to, is there a way to create that so that people in Group A can't ever see Group B members are in Group B? They can see the member as part of the community but there would be no other signs anywhere that they are also part of Group B. 

    The confidentiality of this group is really important. It's all above board, don't worry!! Just dealing with some very sensitive issues in a professional capacity. 

  15. I'm trying to setup the formatting of the profile cards to the left of forum posts with visual badges to depict group membership. I am aware that if I knew how to edit CSS coding better I could achieve what I want to do, but it seems to me an easy on/off button for these labels alongside the field for adding a graphical badge when setting up groups would make this task universally much easier. 

    Could contain: File, Person, Webpage, Text

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