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FM Graphics

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by FM Graphics

  1. There is no transaction ID available. I'm not sure if this is because it is a pending transaction or not but when I view invoices in the payments section it is the only one with the status as pending. I've cancelled the other orders to see if it was a problem similar to what @H5K mentioned but it didn't help unfortunately. Rather than delete the transactions I cancelled them so they could be viewed. The invoice ID is 13. Appreciate your help with this guys.
  2. Thanks @H5K but that doesn't seem to be the issue. I've checked the logs on Stripe and it seems to be related to a customer issue. I'm getting the below message today when testing. 'No such customer: 'cus_xxxxxxxxxxxxx'; a similar object exists in test mode, but a live mode key was used to make this request.' I selected all events on Stripe when setting up the account and as mentioned I'm in live mode with all live secrets and webhooks setup.
  3. I have setup a test product as I begin to create our online community store. I chose Stripe as our payment method and have the correct/live secret, publishing and webhook details saved but when processing a payment the below message appears. 'There was an error processing the payment. Please try a different payment method or contact us for assistance.' When trying to purchase the test product I key in all the card details correctly and yes I do have the funds 😂 but it fails each time. The stripe account is in live mode and everything verified. Is there something simple I'm missing here? Currently the store is set to Admin visibility only while I'm testing.
  4. Two quick questions. Is it possible to change the 'Videos' name to appear as something else on the menu? i.e. FMG TV Is it possible to allow members to create their own category or channel?
  5. Picking this back up again unfortunately guys. Lots of members leaving reviews or sending PM's saying downloads stop before completion and the same forbidden message as above appearing. Some members change browsers and it works but unfortunately it doesn't work for all. The larger packs seem to be the main issue. Listed as Megapacks on the site. Edit: This was happening before the latest update and after.
  6. I'm looking to add a database for members to use which includes various information and some images for specific teams or organisations. I have all the data in various file formats as well as all images but is it possible to create something like this through Invision or Marketplace?
  7. I've disabled the three apps which I downloaded previously Brilliant Discord Integration, Videos and Page Background Picker but the issue remains. I cleared everything before I tried again.
  8. I've actually just had the same issue now myself. When I sign out of the site I get the same message as above when I tried to login again. If I refresh the message stays the same but if I open a new window I'm then logged in already. I use Chrome and I cleared everything cache, cookie and browsing history and no luck. Then I used Safari and when I select 'Existing User? Sign In' I get the below message. Now once I click this second option for 'Existing User? Sign In' it works fine.
  9. Hi guys I'm a cloud customer and a member is having this issue when signing in. It's not an issue I've seen before and wondering if anyone could help? I've looked through the forums and only found solutions to this for self hosting sites.
  10. Hi Marc I have logged some of the main issues in the Admin notes now.
  11. Hi @Marc Stridgen Thank you for your reply. It has been since the updates yes. I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or not but here is an example of a member (GeminiGhost) having the issue late last night. https://www.footballmanagergraphics.com/files/file/202-fmg-logos-megapack-fm23/?do=findComment&comment=119 Just incase it's connected in anyway another complaint from members this week is that downloads start very slowly which I've also experienced sometimes. What I mean by that is the files looks as though it is not actually downloading and can take several minutes before anything actually starts to happen. Most people abandon the download and start again which is seen in the download logs. This is a long term issue but comes and goes.
  12. I'm having a couple of issues with downloads again guys and wondering if you can help. Firstly, both members and I have uploaded files to the download area which have been compressed/zipped before uploading. Then once downloaded they do not extract correctly despite being tested before upload. You may say to simply upload the file again but that unfortunately doesn't always work as some files that upload perfectly fine on other sites do not do so for us sometimes. We've had some examples of this issue in the past few hours. Secondly, several members this time have started to have the below issue when downloading files. I'm concerned about this as it's our busiest time of the year and could lead to losing new members. The screenshot is from a member who has tried this particular file on three occasions. The file has been downloaded thousands of times but from checking logs you can see members attempt to download several times before success or simply give up on most files. Now I know this could be an AWS issue rather than a software problem but as a cloud customer I'm not too sure what I can do about these problems.
  13. Thanks Jim. Unfortunately it hasn't resolved all the issues but I'll give it a couple of days and then report back in here. I do seem to be having issues with emails bouncing back despite tests working fine to my email. I had planned a bulk email Newsletter but would prefer to resolve that first.
  14. Hi guys I'm receiving some emails from members saying they can't sign up to the site. I have quite a lot of new members over the last few days and most are but some are having trouble. "You are not permitted to register a user account with this site" This is the error message. Also having some issues with emails bouncing back which is strange. Any ideas on the sign up issue?
  15. Yes it's just the one member Marc. Thanks.
  16. Hi One of our members has been having some trouble downloading files which seem fine for all other members. The issue seems to be isolated to a particular member and not the files as other members and I have no problem downloading. Any ideas? Thanks
  17. Thanks Jim I've had a look at the settings and made one change. I have been receiving mails fine before and after so I wasn't aware of an issue. We are a small community of just over 2,000 members so perhaps it's not busy enough yet in terms of traffic.
  18. What if your a cloud customer and getting this message @Marc Stridgen? I currently have this issue.
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