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Mitsuru Miyata

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Posts posted by Mitsuru Miyata

  1. 26 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Looks like you are missing your .htaccess for rewritten URLs. You would want to go to ACP -> System -> Search Engine Optimization -> download the file in the description for the field "Rewrite URLs?"

    wow that literally just fixed it all. Thank you so much. 

  2. So I upgraded my site to the latest IPS and now I get a 404 Error on every page.  I go to my main site page and the site shows up but the moment I click on anything at all I get the same 404 error page no matter what I click Could contain: Logo, Text

  3. 16 hours ago, DawPi said:

    I suggest that you base the newly created portal, i.e. the home page, on the Pages application. Much better and supported by the IPS.

    Thank you. After testing it out it does exactly what I want and need! 

  4. Before the marketplace went, I remember this free app called Portal. Is there a recent version available to this? Does the creator have his own site where I can download it from like other creators in the providers directory do? 


  5. Hello I'm fairly new to all this on the Commerce side. Let's say I want to set up subscriptions to my existing users. Is there a way to stop this required info when they check out? This is for an Adult Site and of course, they don't need to fill this kind of info, it's just for them to buy a subscription and get access to a VIP area. 

    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage

  6. I'm thinking of purchasing a 2nd license with Blogs and Gallery and I have a XenForo site that posts everything that is posted on the forum onto Twitter thanks to this app: 


    I wanted to see if IPS had an equivalent and I found https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9250-20-off-automatic-social-promotion-black-friday/

    But that app has not been updated since 2020. Is Automatic posting now part of IPS native or is there another plugin I need, because I remember a few years ago I was a Moderator in a forum and I had to manually post each forum post to Twitter. 


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