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Sirapat Kidwisala

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Posts posted by Sirapat Kidwisala

  1. 3 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Unfortunately the admin CP login details still appear to be incorrect

    I'm sorry about that, I have updated to the correct version.

    3 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    It does seem you are on an older version there too. Please ensure you update to the latest release and test this again

    Yea, will do soon. I checked that the update details don't have anything to do with the grouping. So I let it aside first plus I'm still waiting for the latest version of ipboard to be stable before updating.

  2. On 8/21/2023 at 1:24 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

    We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 

    We look forward to further assisting you. 


    Hi, I have updated the access information. You can access Admin CP by using the URL I have provided, and also the credential.

  3. 3 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    I would need an example on your site to take a look at, if this is not working. If you can provide the name of a member, I can certainly log in and let you know what the issue is

    Hi, I'm using Member Test account to test for the group promotion. So currently there are 3 group promotions as such:
    1. พ่อมดแม่มดฝึกหัด -> primary group is นักเดินทาง Content Count exactly 10
    2. พ่อมดแม่มด-new -> primary group is พ่อมดแม่มดฝึกหัด AND Content Count exactly 500
    3. ผู้วิเศษ -> primary group is พ่อมดแม่มด AND Content Count exactly 5000

    when I manually set the account post to 9 and try to post anything on the board to make to content count = 10, its primary group changed to พ่อมดแม่มดฝึกหัด.
    Could contain: Advertisement, Poster, File, Text Could contain: Advertisement, Poster, File

    But when I manually set the account post to 499 and try to post again to make it 500, the primary group doesn't change to พ่อมดแม่มด and still remain as พ่อมดแม่มดฝึกหัด. (this issue applies to the 3rd group promotion as well)
    Could contain: Advertisement, Poster, Book, Publication, File, Text Could contain: Advertisement, Poster, File

    Sorry, there are some non-eng words here. Do let me know if you have any other questions.

  4. I have 3 simple scenarios that I would like to implement the group promotion:
    1st: Alex is moved to group A if his content count is exactly 10
    2nd: Alex is moved from Group A to group B if his content count is exactly 500
    3rd: Alex is moved from Group B to group C if his content count is exactly 5000
    I have ordered that accordingly to the number (1 to 3)

    For now, the group promotion I've set only work for 1st scenario but not the other 2. Would could possibly be the issue here?

  5. Because currently only admin can see the log in ACP, but I want normal user to be able to see their own transaction too. Like their individual transaction list or page (you donated to, what you received). Receiving only notification would make it hard to keep track for normal users.

    At least there will be a point donated proof on both side, so more transparent.

  6. Hi would it be able to make the donor to receive notification as well. Right now it's only member that received it. In this case, I wouldn't be able to keep track of the point transactions. Or it would be even better if both parties received message in the inbox instead.

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Person, Text

    Could contain: Person, Text, File, Face, Head

  7. 8 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

    Are you sure those are all real members?  That IP shows as being static IP associated with a data center.   It’s also possible they’re using a VPN which would cause this. 

    yep all real members. Hmm I don't think they are using VPN since I know them in real life too. Is there any other causes?

  8. I'm looking for a plugin that allows me to assign moderator to each forum so they can edit, delete, etc., which in this case they won't be able to edit, delete, etc., in other forum that they are not moderator.

    Current version of ipboard doesn't have this feature whereas the older version had it. Could someone able to suggest a plugin that have this function?

  9. On 12/25/2022 at 10:58 PM, Sirapat Kidwisala said:

    I want to merge first post with the selected post just like when IP board 3.x had this feature, and your another version of Kitchen Sink has it (the one with compatibility 4.4 and lower).

    And when merging there is the option for me to either choose to change the topic's author, or topic's date, just like the image I have attached previously.

    So yea I want to be able to change topic's author when merging. Thank you so much.

    any updates on this feature? would it be possible to bring it back?

  10. 16 hours ago, Jim M said:


    This would be all that is required from our software's point of view. 

    What you need to do to get your server to recognize and load a specific folder for your domain would be something your hosting provider or server administrator will answer.

    When I tried to change the url, it gave me this error. What does it mean?

    Could contain: Page, Text


  11. 18 hours ago, All Astronauts said:

    Yes. Added to list.

    Pretty sure this was it. I'm also NOT sure why this didn't go into the 4.7 KS. I'll have to look back...

    For what you are asking, I'm not sure what actually... Did you just want to change the topic's author?

    I want to merge first post with the selected post just like when IP board 3.x had this feature, and your another version of Kitchen Sink has it (the one with compatibility 4.4 and lower).

    And when merging there is the option for me to either choose to change the topic's author, or topic's date, just like the image I have attached previously.

    So yea I want to be able to change topic's author when merging. Thank you so much.

  12. On 12/20/2022 at 7:09 PM, Sirapat Kidwisala said:

    Hi may I ask whether Kitchen Sink 3.0.2 still have a feature where moderator can merge a topic by selecting the first post, then the topic will become the moderator's topic

    Could contain: Page, Text, Gemstone, Jewelry, Accessories, Plot, Chart

    Hi, so does this version has this option?

  13. 8 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Is there any problem if you copy and paste both links? Do you get any error in any of them? Does both links works for you?

    Let me know if you got any error.

    I don't get any errors and both works for me. But now I know why the breadcrumb is not the same.

    When I first click on any of the item shown in the below pic

    Could contain: File


    It will link to this page with this breadcrumbs ( mainpage > membersshop)

    Could contain: Dynamite, Weapon


    But when I refreshed the page itself, the breadcrumbs changed (mainpage > membersshop > category > item name)

    Could contain: Dynamite, Weapon

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