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Ghost Face

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  1. I'm honestly against an implementation of this feature since it encourages bad pratice. You should avoid putting JS code in your head tags at all costs unless it's really necessary.
  2. Ghost Face replied to Ricsca's post in a topic in Technical Problems
    Is there any reason why IPS doesn't have a prefix system? It's like a core feature of every forum software and I don't think I've ever come across a forum that doesn't use prefixes.
  3. That's interesting to know, thanks for that! I have a site running on another software and I know how massive it can get when you keep all the logs permanently. 💀
  4. I can't imagine that hosting costs are an issue for a new community. Unless you're literally storing hundred-thousands if not millions of posts, hosting shouldn't be expensive at all. I'm pretty sure that you can host a small community on an optimized VPS for max $10-15 a month.
  5. You should be able to do that by editing the Friendly URLs in your AdminCP. (Settings > Advanced Configuration > Friendly URLs) Alternatively, you can rewrite the URLs in your Apache or Nginx configuration.
  6. The user experience of the accordion menu on the notification settings page is really bad in my opinion. Whenever you click on one of the settings to expand the menu, it feels like it's lagging for a short period of time. I know that there is a loading indicator on the right side of the menu, but you can barely notice it because the menu expands too fast. (Which is good in theory but feels weird in practice) I think this could be improved by expanding the menu and show the loading state on the already expanded accordion menu. Maybe even show a skeleton loading state for the notification settings?
  7. I think I made it pretty clear in my first post, that I'm aware of the risks. I'm already aware of the advice I've been given, I don't need to have it repeated by someone when I asked for another approach. This is a pretty new forum, just some guys and me setting it up. The only thing that could get lost are all the configurations we've made and the custom theme I'm working on. The theme has already been exported by me, so the only stuff that would get lost are the configs, no big deal if there's no other approach than just re-installing the software, but I'd prefer to avoid it. I would definitely not do something like this in production or on a big community anyways.
  8. I've pretty much included in my first post that I'm aware of the risks. I'm looking for advice on what the best approach to do this would be, not for advice against it. On a side note, I never stated that I changed any tables in the IPS database, so much to where I get the impression on you ignoring everything I said... 🤦‍♂️
  9. Not sure if this is a stock reply or you just ignored literally everything I said?
  10. Scenario: Made a few test users which I deleted again, which results in missing UIDs and new members not having the "correct" one. Example: While this obviously won't matter to a lot of people, it does to me. I've been using another forum software in the past which didn't even have close to the amount of database tables IPS has, so it was pretty easy to just delete the user table and run the original SQL command to get the default table into the database again. After that I changed the few UIDs that were shared with other tables (like topics, posts, etc). IPS really has a lot of tables and I have no idea how widely spread UIDs are in the software, which results in me not wanting to go with the same approach cause I can easily mess this up very bad. What would be the best approach to fix this issue? Reinstalling the software would obviously be the easiest solution, but I'd like to avoid that if possible.
  11. Ghost Face replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    I'm using 4.6.10 now but it happened on the version prior as well. (At the time I wrote the review) I'm sorry about the review, but I can't recommend the plugin right now as it overwrites default IPS behaviour which makes the plugin unusable for me. I don't know why non-working image embeds and ignoring forum permissions would be considered "a custom app that won't do everything I want". I expected the plugin to do what's advertised on your sales page, not more or less.
  12. I've updated to 4.6.10 today and the error seems to be gone now like you said. Thanks! 👍
  13. IPS 4.6.9 and PHP 8.1.1
  14. Was planned to release in 2021, so I assume not? 😂
  15. I'm receiving an error on the ACP login page everytime I visit it. [[Template core/admin/system/login is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]] It seems to work after a refresh though which is weird.