Scenario: Made a few test users which I deleted again, which results in missing UIDs and new members not having the "correct" one. Example:
While this obviously won't matter to a lot of people, it does to me.
I've been using another forum software in the past which didn't even have close to the amount of database tables IPS has, so it was pretty easy to just delete the user table and run the original SQL command to get the default table into the database again. After that I changed the few UIDs that were shared with other tables (like topics, posts, etc). IPS really has a lot of tables and I have no idea how widely spread UIDs are in the software, which results in me not wanting to go with the same approach cause I can easily mess this up very bad.
What would be the best approach to fix this issue? Reinstalling the software would obviously be the easiest solution, but I'd like to avoid that if possible.