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David Bryce

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Posts posted by David Bryce

  1. Just now, Marc Stridgen said:

    With how hard facebook tend to make it to integrate these days, you would be surprised how many choose just that option. 

    Somehow, I’m not surprised at all. 😒



    Just now, Marc Stridgen said:

    You would need to see which one of the terms they believe it violates first of all, and t hen work from there

    Will do.  


    Thanks, Marc! ☺️



  2. Hi - 


    Has anyone else received letters from Meta saying the Facebook API is not in compliance?

    Here’s a copy of one of the letters we got:




    Your app Music Player Network  doesn't fully comply with our Platform Terms. Since we're striving to improve the Platform experience, your app has been deactivated.

    Your app is violating Platform Terms 7.a-d: To view this policy in entirety, visit the "Compliance Review Rights and Suspension and Termination of these Terms" section of our Platform Terms at https://developers.facebook.com/terms. This policy includes information on app review, regular monitoring, auditing rights, and certifications.

    To bring your app into compliance, provide the following in your appeal:  

    1. Detailed instructions describing how we can access your platform to test and review. Once we are able to access your platform, the experience we test in your app should accurately reflect the experience a user has in your app. 

    2. Valid credentials for us to login to your app and test/review its functionality and its use of any Facebook API integration. These credentials should be valid for at least 10 business days (%DATE%). In the event your credentials expire, we will reach out to you requesting new credentials so that we can successfully review your app.

    For more information, visit:
     - Developer Policies: https://developers.facebook.com/devpolicy
     - Platform Terms: https://developers.facebook.com/terms

    Once you’ve updated your app, please go to https://developers.facebook.com/appealto appeal. A member of our team will get back to you within 48 hours. 

    All we use Facebook for is so people can use their FB credentials to log in to our forum if they want.  Maybe the best move is to just disable it in the ACP and forget it exists?


    Any info would be greatly appreciated.





  3. It did not work for me.  


    I do not think it was because I set it up improperly.  I believe the problem is that the app only puts the adverts in the header and footer, which I already have successfully populated.  I want to be able to select where the adverts go - specifically, to put the advert in between the first and second post in the threads.   I am under the impression that option is not available with this app.


  4. Hi, guys - 


    I’m having trouble figuring our how to generate a few separate categories in the DOWNLOADS section.  I’ve tried to ADD ITEM in the menu manager, but I can’t seem to configure those correctly.  As far as I can tell, only the DOWNLOADS menu item has the radio button option to be configured as DOWNLOADS.


    I’m sure I’m missing something obvious…?


    Is there some sort of instruction manual somewhere as to how to configure the MENU MANAGER in general?



  5. Stripe is set up, but I’m not seeing a transaction attempt.

    Wait - I do see the attempts….but they show PENDING (waiting for payment)

    I’m seeing something else really odd.  After the one payment we got a few months back, there are several attempts at payments which are showing pending,, then a whole lot of attempts by the same person to give us $1 over and over again.  


    I’m really confused.



  6. Hi, guys - 


    I set up Donations in my forum a few months back.  We did get one donation that worked; however, one of the members has tried a few ways to donate, all of which have been rejected.  He’s tried both AMEX and Mastercard - neither work.  He is in Canada, but I did set up CAD as a way to contribute - still no luck.


    Any ideas?



  7. Understood.

    Again, not looking for someone to do things on my behalf, nor asking for any freebies....just looking to see if I can hire someone who really knows your system to help.  It seemed like that might be the best way to go if it was available.

    If the developer decides to help, hopefully I'll be able to get this working.  

    Maybe I should have paid more attention to the fact that the only comment on this app's page is another user saying it doesn't work. 🤔

    Thanks, Marc!



  8. It's not development I'm after - sorry for being unclear.  I'm just after someone who knows the system to spend a bit of time helping me work out a few of the bugs.

    This situation is a pretty good example.  I've ben trying to install this app and get it working since Sunday.  Not only is it not working, it seems to be screwing something else up in my community.  I'm guessing there are folks there who could fix this pretty quickly....and I wsh there were a way I could pay one of them to take a look at it.

    In the meantime, the link brother Jim provided above for an alternate solution (which I had already found earlier)  is unfortunately over my head.  I'm basically a musician who ended up owning a cool little forum community, not a computer guy. 😬





  9. ...sigh...

    As I've mentioned to brother Jordan several times, I wish you guys had a way for us to purchase support without having to sign up for the ENTERPRISE Program.  I need qualified help with the forum and am happy to pay for it.....but I don;t need almost any of the other things Enterprise offers.


    You guys say you offer custom programs - why can't you offer advanced help on a part-time basis as one of the options?  You don't want my $? 



  10. Yikes.

    If I can't get this resolved, perhaps you guys should consider not offering this app.  The only piece of feedback left there so far (by someone else) is that it doesn't work.  Perhaps I should have heeded that.

    Thanks, Jim!




  11. It does not appear to be working correctly.  I am not sure why.  

    The author (Michael J) is not being very helpful at all - he only checks in every day or so, then answers cryptically...and if there is documentation of how to work this app properly, I can't seem to find it.   I want to give him back his $10, and find another solution.  Does IPS offer any other way to allow me to place banners in specific fora?

    Thanks, Jim!



  12. Weird!  For three days, it’s been sitting in the Apps Currently Not Installed section along with your IPS Theme app.  That was what was confusing me - the only option I seemed to have was the + button….and every time I tried top install it, I got the flag I pasted into my original post.

    Oh well - seems to be working now. 

    Thanks, Mark!


  13. Hi, guys - 


    I received this warning today.  Not clear on how to fix.




    Locked Task: updatecheck

    One of the routine maintenance tasks which run in the background has failed several times, which may indicate a configuration issue.

    • Application/Plugin
    • Task
      Checks for updates to applications, plugins and themes, and for any important bulletins from Invision Power Services.
    • Last Run
      Sunday at 04:57 PM

    You should check the logs for any indication of the issue or attempt to run it manually

  14. Wait…

    When I went to look today, the app was no longer in the Applications Currently Not Installed section - it was with the other apps, and just showing DISABLED, as you said.  I  was able to enable it.

    Did you do anything to it at all?


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