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Everything posted by dutchsnowden

  1. @Nathan Explosion for the second time today, thank you. Not sure what you eat, but I am sure it was cooked inside invision kitchen. Thanks a bunch! 😇
  2. Emoticons are ok, but is it possible to make them a tad bigger by default? 😁
  3. It would be awesome, including all following a specific topic.
  4. I did change that block to this: <ul class='ipsMenu ipsMenu_selectable ipsMenu_auto ipsHide' id='elSearchTypes_menu'> <li class='ipsMenu_title'>{lang="messenger_search_menu_title"}</li> <li class='ipsMenu_item ipsMenu_itemChecked' data-ipsMenuValue='post'><a href='#'><input type="checkbox" name="search[post]" checked value="1" id="search_post"> {lang="messenger_search_in_post"}</a></li> <li class='ipsMenu_item ipsMenu_itemChecked' data-ipsMenuValue='topic'><a href='#'><input type="checkbox" name="search[topic]" checked value="1" id="search_topic"> {lang="messenger_search_in_topic"}</a></li> <li class='ipsMenu_item ipsMenu_itemChecked' data-ipsMenuValue='recipient'><a href='#'><input type="checkbox" name="search[recipient]" checked="checked" recipientvalue="1" id="search_recipient"> {lang="messenger_recipient_name"}</a></li> <li class='ipsMenu_item ipsMenu_itemChecked' data-ipsMenuValue='sender'><a href='#'><input type="checkbox" name="search[sender]" checked="checked" value="1" id="search_sender"> {lang="messenger_sender_name"}</a></li> </ul> but nothing changed. Do I need to rebuild the cache or something? Perfect, I was editing wrong template! Thanks a bunch! It works now how I would have expected it to be by default.
  5. Thanks @Nathan Explosion. I find these template in Admin CP or somewhere else? Found it in appearance in Admin CP.
  6. I did make a suggestion/feature request, but I personally consider this a mistake, not a new feature. I would be just happy if all would be checked by default.
  7. it is very annoying these flags are not persistent or at least by default all of them checked. Is this possible as it is very annoying to always needing to click them and if you forget to check, the search box text is also deleted. Basically search in titles and messages is important, but for me as an administrator, search by name, is paramount.
  8. At least make them always default too? Makes no sense to leave them out. I mean I see no useage scenario when I would ever like to leave out the recipient or sender name from search. Is there such a scenario that makes sense?
  9. Would it be possible that this flags are persistent? For me, most important flags are recipient/sender names to search here, and it is very annoying they are reset at each operation. Would it be possible that we make it remember last setting?
  10. Adding credit, correct. I was already logged in.
  11. Fenomenal!!! Perfect! Now I got asked a personal question I did not know how to answer. How do I change account questions? So no, no security questions, but still asked about my first boss. Something is wrong. (PS I will activate some 2FA anyway)
  12. My expiration is on 30 December, and due to holidays I would like to pay it before that. Is there any chance I can do that?
  13. You mean I am a lab rat, right? Of course! Hahahahahaha! Thank you!
  14. Found the problem! Sorry for this topic. Minimum content count to see forum
  15. This is the permission mask for this forum and it does not show. Ones below, are identical set and showing. I do not understand, do I need to re-index something? I unchecked permissions, saved then, checked them all again, no change. Not sure what is going on.
  16. I have a sub-forum that is not visible to members group. But this should be, I checked and rechecked. Similar sub-forums do not have this issue. Permissions are set correctly, yet it does not appear and topics inside are not accessible. Is there anything that I might be missing or this is just a bug of sorts?
  17. Explanation that sounds reasonable, thanks for the reassurance that all is good now!
  18. Last patch that appeared today was not installed. Every single other update was implemented. I just updated to latest now, and tried again, seems it worked or did something different. So "a while ago" definitely not, only if the patch was the december I just installed after this error appeared.
  19. Where can I find exactly what "featured content" really does. Not very clear to me at this point.
  20. @Marc Stridgen you were not slow for Thanksgiving day! Thank you!
  21. Awesome, I was all over admin control panel with no luck. Thank you so much @Nathan Explosion and @Daniel F
  22. Sounds like an announcement + alert is the way. How do I do this?
  23. What would you say is the best way to promote a specific topic across the board?
  24. I think this might be the end result.
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