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Natalie_Genealogy's Achievements

  1. Not sure if I've missed this being recorded somewhere but what is the optimal image ratio for the cover photos for events and for profiles? Similarly, what's the advised ratio for profile pictures? Thank you Natalie
  2. Hello - I can save a custom activity stream but then I can't find it anywhere. It isn't showing on the 'My Activity Streams' drop down. Can anyone help?
  3. It's not me going mad then...it's not there. Correction - it's not there for me as an administrator, it is there for members. Final correction - I got it...I hadn't clicked the enable status updates button inside my "Edit Profile" on my live site. 🤦‍♀️
  4. Hello, I've got status update enabled at Groups, Profile and Application-System level but on the live site I can't find anywhere to actually update a stauts! Not sure if I'm being dense or if it's missing. Thank you Natalie
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