Everything posted by Ricsca
Set Cloudflare
Ok thanks, now I don't get kicked out anymore.
Marketplace Closure
Only now I realize something, but with the closure of the market will all the themes and MODs you have on the site also be lost? Does anyone who wants to sell themes or MODs have to do it on other sites? I thought the marketplace was being decommissioned for users as a MOD but not on your site!
Set Cloudflare
Is there any guide to setup CF and IPB? Once activated for my site, if I go to admin, after a while I find myself thrown out with this warning: "Your IP address does not match this session."
Buying new self hosted licence - how to choose few applications?
@Joel R But if I only need the forum why do I have to pay more? If I don't want to accept the new terms, I'll stay with v4 but will this be updated at least for security? If it won't be updated anymore, I'm basically forced to accept....
[Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition - Topic Support
Ok thanks
[Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition - Topic Support
I have been using version 4.0.10 for some time but today having bought the renewal for ipb I wanted to renew the theme too but from my admin panel it lets me buy the theme and not the ronnovo. How come?
LAXERI Theme [Support Topic]
demo login font work
[Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition - Topic Support
where dare I see the various cangelogs?
Google Analytics 4
How can Google Analytics 4 be used?
Disable custom grups Emoji
Red rectangle in user profile
Invisible online users
Very thanks
Invisible online users
I have migrated from vbulletin and find myself almost all online users invisible. is there a way to set all users as visible?
View home forum in grid
it will never happen ... he doesn't care about improving ipb ...
Red rectangle in user profile
If I go to see my user profile (admin), in the left column I find a red cone box written "Title group 1" I cannot understand what it is and how it is raised.
Disable custom grups Emoji
In my old forum I had uploaded several of the custom emoji groups. How can I turn off their display in the box when I post a new discussion? I wish only ipb defoult emojis would be shown when a user creates or replies to a discussion.
Default forum view
If you set the default grid view (for unregistered users), the forum is shown in list view. Only the fluid view works. Is it a bug?
Why not offer push notifications solution
What is your community?
Pay users for posts
you mean this? https://invisioncommunity.com/features/commerce/ Where can I find a tutorial on how to set up options to earn users?
Pay users for posts
It would be nice if you could integrate a system that can pay users based on the posts they write in the forum. In 2022 the forums are hardly used and perhaps paying users for a period could help restart many forums ... Thanks
User cancellation
By law, a user must be able to unsubscribe from the community and you can also decide to delete all its contents. IPB does not have this function ... how is that possible? As an admin, I can delete the user and decide whether to delete all his messages as well. As a first step an admin must delete the user without his posts and this he can do ... The problem is that the posts become all written by an unregistered user. If subsequently the user (no longer registered) wants the cancellation of all its contents, the admin on can do it. This is a very serious shortcoming ...
Invoice for renewal
Ok. Good
Siedebar right on the Privacy Policy and Guidelines page
@opentypeipb is a paid service and also costs a lot. I don't have to say thank you to anyone. Thank you, the people I pay for the program have to tell me. Making requests in the "sugest" forum is worthless as no one takes them into consideration. If the staff were interested in improving, to my post they would have replied "thank you that you pointed out this lack, in the next updates we will add the right column" ... Instead mo, they are always ready to say "everything goes well thing" ...
Invoice for renewal
where do i disable automatic renewal? If I later decide to renew, will the 6 months start from the date of the new payment?
Siedebar right on the Privacy Policy and Guidelines page
I don't understand how it is possible that every time you point out something to improve on ipb the answer you receive is always "it's done like this" so that's okay ... Practically throughout the ipb site you can put widgets both above and below and in the right column. If in these 2 pages you have forgotten the right column, insert it in the next updates. It is not a fundamental thing for anyone but a (paid) forum should always be improved ...