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Reshift Digital B.V.

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Posts posted by Reshift Digital B.V.

  1. If you create a new forum you can choose 4 types of forums. 'Discussion', 'Question', 'Category' and 'Referral'. If you have a question and answer community like me, 9 of the 10 times a topic is a question so you have the option to mark a comment as an asnwer.

    But sometimes I want te create a sticky topic which I use as a FAQ or just a discussion. So that's not a question and answer topic. I'm wondering if it's possible to create a forum and determine per topic individual if it's an 'Question' or a 'Discussion'.


    Forum: Smartphones

    Topic: These are the best tips to add more storage space to your smartphone.

    So in this example the topic is not a question. But in the same forum you want people to ask questions about smarthpones. And those topics will be 'Questions' so you can mark the right answers.

    My question is: is it possible to create a forum where you can determine per topic if it's a 'Question' or a 'Discussion'? If it's not possible it would be a nice feature suggestion.

  2. Hi,

    I'm using the blog section for our community. Since (a week or so) the blog entry categories has been changed. It seems Invision is using the chosen tags for blog entries. Because it I can only choose most of my used tags which I used in my blog. Example:





    In the beginning this did not occure. Are you familiar with this? Is this a bug?


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