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Everything posted by MinerSpark

  1. Is this plugin still available to this date?
  2. What i mean is a direct search from the download page, without beign redirected to a seprate search window, or a live search equiv.
  3. Have a search bar just for downloads themselfs for servers with alot of catagorys+sub-catagorys. Simplifys things for alot of files. What I mean is Live search/non live search directly for the same page, Rather then getting redirected to a diffrent page altogether to obtain a file that may or maynot exisit.
  4. The link in the hotbar had 2 / which was causing it to have this error, Fixed it since.
  5. I just recently bought IC4 to build my community up better to move away from other platforms, I'm selfhosting with the correct lience, I'm trying to install and i ran into my first issue Pretty quick, I've got a default reset install of XAMPP and IC4 Isn't able to connect to my DB Access denied for user ''@'localhost' (using password: NO) EX1045 Access denied for user ''@'localhost' (using password: NO) IPS\Db\Exception: Access denied for user ''@'localhost' (using password: NO) (1045) #0 C:\Users\admin\Documents\HTML\system\Db\Db.php(356): IPS\_Db->_establishConnection(false) #1 C:\Users\admin\Documents\HTML\system\Db\Db.php(487): IPS\_Db->checkConnection(false) #2 C:\Users\admin\Documents\HTML\system\Db\Select.php(383): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('SELECT conf_key...', Array, true) #3 C:\Users\admin\Documents\HTML\system\Db\Select.php(281): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery() #4 C:\Users\admin\Documents\HTML\system\Settings\Settings.php(182): IPS\Db\_Select->setKeyField('conf_key') #5 C:\Users\admin\Documents\HTML\system\Settings\Settings.php(132): IPS\_Settings->loadFromDb() #6 C:\Users\admin\Documents\HTML\system\Http\Url\Friendly.php(671): IPS\_Settings->__get('furl_configurat...') #7 C:\Users\admin\Documents\HTML\system\Http\Url\Friendly.php(90): IPS\Http\Url\_Friendly::furlDefinition() #8 C:\Users\admin\Documents\HTML\system\Http\Url.php(274): IPS\Http\Url\_Friendly::createFriendlyUrlFromComponents(Array, '/admin/install') #9 C:\Users\admin\Documents\HTML\system\Request\Request.php(275): IPS\Http\_Url::createFromString('http://REMOVED...', true, true) #10 C:\Users\admin\Documents\HTML\applications\core\modules\setup\install\systemcheck.php(45): IPS\_Request->url() #11 C:\Users\admin\Documents\HTML\system\Dispatcher\Controller.php(101): IPS\core\modules\setup\install\_systemcheck->manage() #12 C:\Users\admin\Documents\HTML\system\Dispatcher\Setup.php(220): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #13 C:\Users\admin\Documents\HTML\admin\install\index.php(14): IPS\Dispatcher\_Setup->run() #14 {main} I've been scanning through the PHP files but i'm unable to see where to change this. Thanks!
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