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Posts posted by Webmaster Scr

  1. Hi,

    I have a problem with accented characters in the file names shared by my members in the Downloads module.

    For example, this shared file name is Ménager la chèvre et le chou.pdf. In my database, the record is correct (record_id 632):

    Could contain: Text, Page

    But when I download this file, here's what I get: Ménager la chèvre et le chou.pdf (Safari 17.1 / Mac OSX 12.7.1).

    My MariaDB Server connection collation is set to utf8mb4_unicode_ci and that's also the record_realname's collation.

    Is there something I can do to resolve this problem?

  2. This is what I see, right now (Safari 17.1) :

    Could contain: Page, Text

    And, of course, when I tried to set them in IC, I comment the lines in my .htaccess before.

    The full rules I want to set are (using .htacces syntax):

    Header set X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"
    Header set Content-Security-Policy "frame-ancestors 'self'; object-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' *.stripe.com *.cloudflare.com; base-uri 'self';"

  3. I'm trying to set CSP Header rules to secure my website. It appears iframe embed settings in "Advanced Configuration" interfere with the rules I add in my .htaccess file.

    So I tried to select the second option: "Using a custom Content Security Policy (Advanced)". But I checked in core_sys_conf_settings and nor the clickjackprevention value, nor the csp_header are updated when I save my settings. So it seems to me database values are not read or written by this setting page or by the system.

    Moreover, even if I modify the values directly in database they are ignored.

    I tried the 3rd option: "Anywhere (Not Recommended)" and it doesn't work too. And the "Do not send header" for "Restrict Referrer Policy" is also ignored.


  4. Yep, that’s weird: the notification exists on my Admin login (screenshot took 2 minutes ago):

    Could contain: Electronics, Mobile Phone, Phone, Text

    But not not on the Admin login you use: 

    Could contain: Electronics, Mobile Phone, Phone, Text

    Are notifications allocated to the first Admin to open/see them?

    And, no, it wasn’t an isolated case. These errors recur every 2 or 3 days when I delete them.

  5. 22 hours ago, A Zayed said:

    To troubleshoot this issue, you can check the error_log file in your website’s document root or logs folder. You can also enable error reporting in your PHP.ini file.

    According to my cPanel settings error reporting is already on:

    Could contain: Page, Text

    I checked ~/public_html/error_log and there was no recent relevant error in it. The last one was very old while I got another "empty error" yesterday.

    Same thing for server error.log, the last entry was older than yesterday:

    [Tue Jun 06 01:42:10.063537 2023] [cgid:error] [pid 2534:tid 47697533363968] [client 198.167.198.xxx:0] AH01265: attempt to invoke directory as script: /home/Scr/public_html/cgi-bin/

    So I really wonder where Invision got these errors.

  6. Hi,

    When I use builtin site search tool, the type search filter works well for Topics, but fails for every other type I tried (Pages, Files, Blog entries, Products, ...) instead of restricting the results to the selected type, it returns all the results found.

    For example, on the screenshot bellow I should only have files as results (like the 5th result), but I also have a product (first result), forum topics and a page.

    Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage, Person

  7. Hi,

    For several months now, I have very regularly a blank error that appears:

    Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage

    There is absolutely nothing in the logs:

    Could contain: Electronics, Mobile Phone, Phone, Text

    The site seems to work perfectly well (at least I don't see anything wrong with it). But when I delete this error, it always comes back after a day or two.

    I tried to change the settings (setting log level from 1 to 5) but it changed nothing.

  8. I have the same problem. A customer (Pilaf) sent me a message to tell me Paypal didn't work anymore (he can't pay order #6593) and I created a test order (#6596) and it fails for me too:

    Could contain: City, File, Webpage

    Translated in English that's exactly the same error: "There was a problem when processing the payment".

  9. Hi,

    Today Invision displays me this error message:



    PHP8 Incompatible Customizations

    We are currently in the process of migrating our platform from PHP7 to PHP8 in order to provide you with the greatest level of performance and security. We've identified one or more Applications or Plugins currently installed on your site which contain PHP8 incompatible hooks and/or subclasses. In PHP8, altering overloaded method signatures within a subclass results in a fatal error which can make a site completely inoperable. Also, our hook system relies on subclasses so this change applies to hooks as well. Therefore, this code must be either replaced with an updated version, removed, or disabled from your site as soon as possible. 

    If you are not sure what this means, you must contact the Author of any listed Application or Plugin for an updated version. If you cannot update to a PHP8 compatible version, the Application or Plugin will have to be disabled or removed.


    I have only Hide Product Categories and 2 others extensions installed on my system. Could you, please, tell me if yours is PHP8 compatible or not?

  10. Hi,

    Today Invision displays me this error message:



    PHP8 Incompatible Customizations

    We are currently in the process of migrating our platform from PHP7 to PHP8 in order to provide you with the greatest level of performance and security. We've identified one or more Applications or Plugins currently installed on your site which contain PHP8 incompatible hooks and/or subclasses. In PHP8, altering overloaded method signatures within a subclass results in a fatal error which can make a site completely inoperable. Also, our hook system relies on subclasses so this change applies to hooks as well. Therefore, this code must be either replaced with an updated version, removed, or disabled from your site as soon as possible. 

    If you are not sure what this means, you must contact the Author of any listed Application or Plugin for an updated version. If you cannot update to a PHP8 compatible version, the Application or Plugin will have to be disabled or removed.


    I have only Custom Redirects and 2 others extensions installed on my system. Could you, please, tell me if yours is PHP8 compatible or not?

  11. Hi,

    Today Invision displays me this error message:



    PHP8 Incompatible Customizations

    We are currently in the process of migrating our platform from PHP7 to PHP8 in order to provide you with the greatest level of performance and security. We've identified one or more Applications or Plugins currently installed on your site which contain PHP8 incompatible hooks and/or subclasses. In PHP8, altering overloaded method signatures within a subclass results in a fatal error which can make a site completely inoperable. Also, our hook system relies on subclasses so this change applies to hooks as well. Therefore, this code must be either replaced with an updated version, removed, or disabled from your site as soon as possible. 

    If you are not sure what this means, you must contact the Author of any listed Application or Plugin for an updated version. If you cannot update to a PHP8 compatible version, the Application or Plugin will have to be disabled or removed.


    I have only SuperGrid and 2 others extensions installed on my system. Could you, please, tell me if yours is PHP8 compatible or not?

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