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  1. The actual screenshot is on the "4th" page, the question is on the 3rd. This is really confusing. I thought it was the horizontal rulers that was causing it, but when I edited the post that the person on my forum created to remove those lines, it didn't change to a normal post. (posting this as a response, since editing it will just result in my message being on a 4th or 5th page) I couldn't find any reference to this in invision community's documentation or mentioned anywhere else.
  2. Preventing pages in posts How did this happen This is a header Testing Invision community, A member did this on my forum today. I cannot replicate it except copying and pasting, and I would like to prevent them from doing it in the future. Reading this post will be evident on what happened. I'm attaching a picture of what it looks like in the editor before submitting. Please help. Sincerely, Pleeb. 🌐
  3. We are heavily using the "Voting System" for the Questions & Answers forum mode to vote on user-submitted guides (see example attachment) for my community. Does Invision Community 5 have a way to do this? Or is there a way to rate topics, sort by topic rating, and such? Or is there an Invision Community module (either already in 4 that's going to stay in 5) that I'm overlooking that already supports posting items that can be rated and sorted by ratings like this? Our "using the questions mode" has always felt a "bit hackey" since the non-questions mode never supported upvoting (we don't want downvotes) topics like this, but we have about 250 user-submitted guides (and about 5,000 posts between them all) that we are trying to easily rank. I guess my question is, if you're deprecating the Q&A section noting that it's been moved into the main threads, does that mean the rest of the Q&A section will work in the board such as voting? We definitely utilize voting on questions right now which only seems to work in the Q&A mode. I would be very happy if it just worked like that in regular threads too. Actually, I would be happier if we could just vote on threads like the current Q&A mode works without it having to be Q&A 🙂
  4. Yes you did.... it's been a long 3 years 😅 Thanks again.
  5. Hey. Did something change that ties it to the board's start date again? This was working for the longest time, but I noticed at some point it was moved back from 4/26/2012 to the start date of the forum (in 2019). When I tried to change it back, it gave me this error:
  6. We have a native dark theme for the ACP, let’s give a dark theme for the front end! Then I can happily 100% use the default invision community theme for my community, while still letting my users choose between dark and light.
  7. I updated the client area with the information.
  8. @Daniel F I tried signing in with that account in the ACP at community.tulpa.info/admin/ using the "IPS Temp Admin" account and it works fine using the account information provided in the ACP console when I click on "Support." Do you want me to PM you the password that it gives me? Note there's no space in the password, I don't know if you're using a space or anything. What error do you get when trying to sign in? I get a 2fa prompt.
  9. It's been a few days, is there anything else you need from me?
  10. I just set the admin account now. Also, I noticed the big red " Maintenance Tasks Not Running " banner at the top of my acp this morning. Evidently I had to change "/usr/bin/php" to "/usr/bin/php7.4", since I had multiple versions of PHP running and running the script with php8 results in errors. This isn't related, but I figured I'd let you know. The "IPS Temp Admin" password has been updated as per instructions in ACP and I confirmed the user is in the administrator group. Please let me know how else I could help.
  11. No errors, just a warning about cross-origin read blocking: Except when I do that on this forum it happens too:
  12. When anyone tries to embed videos in my forum by typing out the video, they're getting the error: "The link could not be embedded because www.youtube.com does not allow embedding of that video." Happens with youtube and youtu.be. Strangely, if I add the "embed video" button to the toolbar, that actually works (see below). I have the latest version of Invision Community with the default theme (I have one css modification), and I generally use cloudflare. I have 14 plugins and applications that are up to date. I can embed here on this forum, so I'm not sure what else I'm doing wrong or what's failing where. For troubleshooting up to this point: I cleared caches I disabled cloudflare I disabled all of the plugins and applications Switched to newly-created fully vanilla theme Updated all software and OS on the server itself Updated from php7.3 to php7.4. This started happening about last month, with no changes on our end so I'm not sure where it's faltering. Does anyone else have issues automatically embedding videos on their forums? Please see screenshots with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFNekjEgvuk: I can add an "embed youtube video" button (notice it exists in the following screenshots) and that works, so the video itself can be embedded: And finally, embedding does work here:
  13. I was able to solve this using member groups, group promotions, and this plugin: I was already using it to prevent spammers from signing up with 0 posts then editing their profile fields with URLs; what you can do, is create a special member group that promotes a member to that group on say, 500 posts. Then simply enable this field for that membergroup to edit.
  14. I bought this plugin and mentioned it in my last post on this very thread, when pointing out how Invision Community needs to better listen to requested common-sense features along with my grievances of the marketplace. Fosters' update has been rejected once already, and it takes weeks for a plugin to come out of review.