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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by StreamGro

  1. I'm generally pretty excited about this, it's always good too see change. I do have one concern though, and that's that the filtering option on the current 'Providers Directory' isn't really too helpful in terms of what the creators provide. It would be far more useful to have perhaps examples of their work on that page rather than being re-directed to a whole external site for me to sit and sift through to find what I potentially might be looking for - it almost feels like im going to be endlessly searching for a developer who suits my needs. Like I said though, excited to see the change and whats to come of this. Thanks, Invision! ❤️
  2. Will this plugin ever be available to buy again? I'd like this, but cannot get it through AdminCP. @newbie LAC
  3. I'm looking to get the 'verified' bar in with the 'VIP' bar, but below it. The VIP bar is the primary usergroup with Verified being second. Do I have to contact the theme author for this, or is there an easy way to do it? My theme is _nexxe
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