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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by sebastianr

  1. My code:

    <div class='ipsPageHeader ipsBox ipsResponsive_pull ipsPadding ipsClearfix' style='background-image: url('{file="$record->_record_image_thumb" extension="cms_Records"}')'>


    <div class="ipsPageHeader ipsBox ipsResponsive_pull ipsPadding ipsClearfix" style="background-image: url(" https:=""xxx.com="" uploads="" monthly_2022_11="" connor-williams-iir32bprihe-unsplash.thumb.jpg.f54c7b887d3ac0e316547fafa1acd564.jpg="" ')'="">

    How to escape the apostrophe to get correct url('image.jpg')?

  2. Hello,

    I want to add an excerpt of the record in my custom feed (first 100 letters...). I can't find a variable to achieve this. Can anyone give me some guidance? My current approach

    {{if !empty( $records ) }}
    {{foreach $records as $record}}
    <div class="col-md-6">
      <div class="blog_card">
        <div class="author_info">
          <div class="meta">
        <h4 class="blog_title">
        <p class="blog_desc">
          {$record->_description} <!-- ???? -->
        <a href="{$record->url( "getPrefComment" )}" title='{lang="view_this_cmsrecord" sprintf="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'content_db_lang_sl_' . $record::$customDatabaseId, FALSE ), $record->_title"}' class="read_more">Read more</a>


  3. We are a multilingual community and do not really understand the "best practice" for multilingual content.

    • Activate and provide language packages from the system: done, easy
    • Create forum categories for different languages: done, easy
    • Create a multilingual home page? How? 
      • Where can I specify which language has a custom page and even specify that it is the index page for language X?
    • How to adjust the sitemap.xml so that Google etc. indexes the community multilingual?
  4. On 9/19/2020 at 6:46 PM, InfinityRazz said:

    Yeah! It's definitely a lil weird cause it returns field_##, took me a couple weeks to get used to making RestRequests here 😛

    CustomFields on a purchase/member request are similar as well

    Request.AddParameter("customField[#]", "StringValue"); 😉

    Yeah, same thing. Took me also weeks until to ask for support here. If the REST API would accept a json body, it would be easier.

  5. I'm getting INVALID_RECIPIENT using the POST /core/messages API. Whats wrong with my request?



        "key": "****************",
        "from": "12",
        "to": "1,11",
        "title": "Sample title",
        "body": "Sample content..."


        "errorCode": "1C374\/3",
        "errorMessage": "INVALID_RECIPIENT"
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