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  1. 5 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    I actually see on your screenshot there that you are missing your ACP icons. Please go to Support in the top right of your ACP, then select clear caches. Once you have done that, refresh the page and check things again

    yes that was another issue i was facing. Support was able to fix that and now everything works as normal.

  2. So i was able to get the background to change by uploading an image. But i am trying to change these colors and the theme is Villain 4.6.0

    using the Front End Colors area in the editor i have changed the header color ect and it does not apply. It stays saved in the editor but will still be black on the website.



    Im tryingto make the black header into the blue i have set at HEader Background but it will always stay black

  3. Not sure if im just missing something here but, When I ude the basic editor for a theme and change the body background and save or save and reload when i refresh the site it doesnt take the color. It stays with the default stock color. i can clear cashe on both the system and my browser and still wont change

  4. 36 minutes ago, ReyDev said:

    Sounds good! I really want to add this to the LUXERI theme. But with the difference that when the forum category is clicked, a modal opens instead of going to another page. I will definitely work on it!

    If you put the forum in grid mode then take a look at a forum with sub forums thats how i want categories and forums handled. does that make sense?

    So the attached photo, the category would be gear with forums shelter and barrow. 


    I have attached what i want it to be based off of. I do not want a direct copy. but along these lines




  5. yes thats close. But instead I want the category to be the square and have the forums linked on it. so the category as a whole is the grid. not the individual forums

    so category one would have an image. then under the image will list the forums inside its container and then the last poster from what ever forum was done at the time.


    If you click the category name it will redirect to that grid style you listed. 

  6. Hello, I am looking for someone to either make or recommend a theme that has categories layouts like the attached image. Each forum for that category is listed. If you click the forum link it opens to the forum. But if you click the categoriy name it will show the forums listed in squares again with last poster. 


    The only thing that i really found similar is nulledbb.com which is built on mybb. is this possible?


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