Everything posted by Emaxo
Is it possible to preview the new version of IPS?
Is there any ETA for the stable release?
Is it possible to preview the new version of IPS?
Is it possible to try the new IPS version 5 locally? I would like to start testing and review the new features. Can I download the new version somewhere?
(aXen) Font Awesome 6 in IPS - Topic Support
A different article styles By Pages ( IP.Content )
My hope is still not lost
Raffles System
Members Shop Profile Gifts ( Support Topic )
Hi @TheJackal84 is this getting an update for IPS 4.7.2?
A different article styles By Pages ( IP.Content )
Hi @TAMAN is this getting updated to 4.7? I can't download it
Ideas Application
Ideas Application
Hi @Kirill Gromov, I think you forget 2 translation string One the sort by, and the other in the search input
Auto Follow Content
@Adriano Faria Once set up, is it possible to synchronize all users to follow the content and not just those who register afterwards?
Convert image thumbnails always to jpg/webp
It would be really helpful if all images uploaded to the site (whatever the starting format) were converted to jpeg or webp for the thumbnails. Being both compressed formats they would allow faster loading and greater space optimization. In my case I have a gallery full of PNG images in high resolution and obviously the thumbnails being in the same format even if at a lower resolution require a high loading time.
Make gallery thumbnails JPEG
Is there any update on this front? Unfortunately the PNG thumbnails in my gallery are becoming unsustainable in terms of space
Swiper Slider [ support topic ]
Hi @TAMAN It's possible to restrict the sliders only on the forum "homepage"? I mean I don't want to see them when I view a discussion
(aXen) Font Awesome 6 in IPS - Topic Support
Hello @aXenDev! I think I found a bug, the star review system now has weird spacing disabling the application solves the problem
Ideas Application
Hi @Kirill Gromov There's some missing strings like: "__indefart_ideas_idea_comment"
Members Shop ( Support Topic )
Members Shop ( Support Topic )
Hi @Adriano Faria, Just bought MS Goals it seems like milestone string is untraslated Also how do I localize dates? in my language (in the acp) all months are translated. Edit: Seem's like the Goal-Frequency is never translated even with recurring tasks
Members Shop ( Support Topic )
Hi @Adriano Faria, this app is great, are there any plans to add a REST endpoint to give points? It would be really great for integrating external services 😄
Magnum Theme [ support topic ]
Hi @TAMAN I just updated the theme (unistalled and reinstalled) it's possible to have slider with articles from a database like the old theme?
Ideas Application
Ideas Application
I'm playing with this plugin a lot, I really like it, but I found another bug, the rss feed is not working, it just display a 404 page
Ideas Application
Hi @Kirill Gromov, First thank you so much for this plugin is great! I have a question however, when a normal user posts an idea, he can choose if another user can vote negatively (see image), is it possible to disable this option? I would like that all ideas can be rated negatively regardless of the user's will, or maybe leave this option only to certain roles
Magnum Theme [ support topic ]
You are right! I reinstalled the theme and now everything works fine. Thanks for the support 😄
Magnum Theme [ support topic ]
Make gallery thumbnails JPEG
I have a huge gallery and by uploading only high resolution pngs the thumbnails even if scaled take up a lot of space and obviously they are slow to load, having the jpg format would be a great compromise