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Posts posted by dwm.specops

  1. So it has happened for a few people and the only way I can fix it is by disabling mod_security altogether which doesn’t seem to be recommended. 

    Is it OK from an Invision Community perspective? We have it installed to a subdomain and disabled it at that level. The forum is the only thing installed at that subdomain. 

    Or should we be using the whitelist approach? If so, what are the main things that need to be whitelisted?

  2. 2 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    You have IN_DEV set in your constants.php file more than once by the look of it. I would remove any instances of IN_DEV from there entirely

    I'll double check this. In the meantime I have set up SMTP to allow messages to go out. Thanks for the prompt response

  3. 2 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Have you checked with your hosting company to see what is causing your 403 there?

    Should I? I just upgraded to the latest version as well.

    The issue only occurs when trying to post that specific content, all other posts seem to work  fine.

  4. Hi there

    We recently transferred to a new hosting provider and are now getting errors from the email system telling us that the last 28 emails failed to send and that there may be a problem wth our configuration.

    When I tested the email settings I got this error

    IPS\Email\Outgoing\Exception: Constant IN_DEV already defined (0)

  5. Hi there

    We recently transferred our site to a new hosting provider to comply with PHP8 and are having some issues when posting content

    The 403 Forbidden error is happening specifically when trying to post content that converts a forum hyperlink into a preview. If we remove the preview and have just the hyperlink the content posts fine.

    I also tried to edit a post to have the preview and the forum says

    "This comment can no longer be edited. It may have been moved or deleted, or too much time may have passed since it was posted for it to be edited."

    I read some of the problems that others were having and tried mod_security which didn't seem to work.

  6. On 8/27/2022 at 11:37 PM, TAMAN said:


    what ips version are you using? the theme was marked as 4.7 compaitable, it will not show in marketplace if you are on ips 4.6 or lower

    Hi mate, so there were two things, 1 I upgraded (I was holding off until supported) and it appeared in the marketplace but 2 somehow I had let the license lapse. I am usually pretty good at keeping up to date with these things but had no idea! Everything is back to normal now. Thanks!


    On 3/19/2020 at 7:29 AM, kmk said:

    Hi @Mike John

    I have a form created to collect members information, is possible when a member fill the form automatically update some profile custom fields, I mean a mechanism of synchronization between form fields and profile fields.

    On 3/20/2020 at 7:37 AM, Michael.J said:

    No not currently. Would need to be done custom as not supported by default.

    So if I am reading this correctly, you cannot use existing custom profile fields in Forms?

  8. Hello everyone,

    What is the easiest way to be able to create signup forms for various things in our community. Is the CMS (Pages app) the way to go? I understand that it can be used in a multitude of ways but I am hoping someone here might be able to give me more specifics before I decide to foot the license cost.

    Currently we use Google Forms and Spreadsheets to track what we need, but it is cumbersome for our users and our staff to maintain.

    • We need to be able to allow specific members in our community to be able to sign up for things/events, (sometimes providing pics) without having to re-enter all their data.
    • Staff need to be able to action the list in different ways, but mostly to check that we are getting postal addresses, whether there was a donation attached etc.
    • We need to provide (on request) a list of people who participated in these things for auditing purposes. It's almost like an ordering system in some cases, sometimes with money attached sometimes not.
    • Would like it to be within the community database

    Side note: We are a very small volunteer organisation and pay for our community through volunteer donations. So getting something like market place is a bit too expensive for us.


  9. 14 minutes ago, Woodsman said:

     If you are using a drop down box you can also do it this way.

    <span class="ft">{title}:</span><span class="fc">{content}</span><br />


    THANKS!!! It was the {content} tag I was after! woohoo! Is there documentation on that somewhere?

    I changed from:

    <center><img src='/images/ImpDragsShields_{key}.png'></center>


    <center><img src='/images/ImpDragsShields_{content}.png'></center>

    And it now works

  10. 1 minute ago, Woodsman said:

    Try something on this example.

    <center><img src='href="http://localhost/your-install/images/option_{key}.png'></center>


    I'll give it a go, but what is happening is that the {key} part is not being picked up. So when I inspect the broken image link, it is 


    So it doesn't populate the {key} part. This was working prior to upgrade with all custom themes, hooks etc removed. 

  11. 10 minutes ago, Woodsman said:

    Glad to see you got it going ?

    Me too, now I am figuring out why custom profile field images are not showing. It seems there is configuration under custom profile fields where an option can be selected say:

    option 1
    option 2
    option 3

    and the Display Format is

    <center><img src='/images/option_{key}.png'></center>

    Where I imagine that {key} would be replaced with 'option 1' if option 1 was selected, and so an image called 'whatever_option 1.png' would display

    Has this custom behaviour been deprecated?

  12. 5 hours ago, Woodsman said:

    As Nathan has pointed out start out by verifying that the admin directory is still intact in your old 3.3 version. If not you will need to locate the changed file. 

    Then try reversing these steps

     Now I have never had to do this but it may work for you...

    From the main directory locate the new directory and rename it back to admin then rename the constants.php file to contants-old.php to disable it for now. 
    At this point I would then go back to the front end and see if everything was working correctly. If so then retry the upgrade.

    Hi guys, thanks so much for the help! Support also confirmed this: It so happened that there was a 'constants.php' file in the main directory that had the 'admin-dir' reference. I replaced it with 'admin' and everything went smoothly! The upgrade from v3.3.0 to 4.3.3 worked! Again thanks :)

  13. 2 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    So at some point in the past you have used the functionality to rename the admin directory?

    Open the conf_global.php file, remove the reference to 'admin-dir', and then go to admin/upgrade.

    Hi and thanks. I looked at the confirmation_global.php file and there is no reference to admin-dir there. I inherited this board so have no idea what may or may not have been done and unfortunately the person who set it all up has since passed on. It's an interesting conundrum 


    Should the $INFO['sql_utf8mb4']            =    true; still be in there?

  14. 3 minutes ago, Faqole said:

    Can you remove the prefix underscores and see if it would help? The folders from the latest version, were they prefixed too?

    I removed the underscores, but there's no lang.php in there so it continues to error. Sorry I had the locations wrong in the previous post:

    I went looking here  and found it in /home1/specopsadmin/test-forum/admin/upgrade/lang.php

    I would like to know if the installer is looking at the wrong directory. It is referencing admin-dir/upgrade/ whereas the installer and lang.php is in admin/upgrade/

  15. 32 minutes ago, Faqole said:

    This error means the file it is looking for does not exist in the mentioned location. Can you upload the Lang.php file once again and see if it would help?

    Thanks. So I went looking for the file and found that the upgrade and install folders were prefixed with an under score. Also they only contain an index.php file

    I'm not sure what else I can do, because it looks like the site has always been like this

    I went looking here /home1/specopsadmin/test-forum/admin-dir/upgrade/lang.php

    and found /home1/specopsadmin/test-forum/admin-dir/_upgrade/


    I did a search for lang.php and found it in /home1/specopsadmin/test-forum/admin/upgrade/lang.php and /home1/specopsadmin/test-forum/admin/install/lang.php

  16. Hi there

    I am trying to upgrade from v3.3.0 to 4.3.3. 

    I have managed to get through setting up a test instance, passed all the IPS4.php requirements, also successfully ran the utf8conversion tools.

    I have just copied all the IP4 files overwriting the current ones, try to navigate to /admin/upgrade and get the following error:


    Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/home1/specopsadmin/test-forum/admin-dir/upgrade/lang.php' (include_path='.:/opt/php56/lib/php') in /home1/specopsadmin/test-forum/system/Lang/Lang.phpon line 185

    Has anyone encountered this issue before?

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