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Rob Coldwell

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Posts posted by Rob Coldwell

  1. Hi Marc,

    Clearing the browser cache hasn't fixed this. I'm seeing the following error in my console...

    I've cleared the system caches, restarted Apache, reverted the PHP version to 7.4 and back again to 8.0).

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'innerHTML')
        at baseController.setup (root_front.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:179:531)
        at baseController.initialize (root_front.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:179:360)
        at initControllerOnElem (root_framework.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:24:49)
        at initializeControllers (root_framework.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:6:342)
        at Object.init (root_framework.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:4:540)
        at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:86:137)
        at e (root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2:30005)
        at t (root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2:30307)
    setup @ root_front.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:179
    initialize @ root_front.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:179
    initControllerOnElem @ root_framework.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:24
    initializeControllers @ root_framework.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:6
    init @ root_framework.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:4
    (anonymous) @ root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:86
    e @ root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2
    t @ root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2
    setTimeout (async)
    S.readyException @ root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2
    (anonymous) @ root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2
    e @ root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2
    t @ root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2
    setTimeout (async)
    (anonymous) @ root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2
    c @ root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2
    fireWith @ root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2
    fire @ root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2
    c @ root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2
    fireWith @ root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2
    t @ root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2
    setTimeout (async)
    (anonymous) @ root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2
    c @ root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2
    fireWith @ root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2
    fire @ root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2
    c @ root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2
    fireWith @ root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2
    ready @ root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2
    B @ root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2

    All JS files are loading, I'm not seeing any 404s or other errors. The plupload appears to affected, but I am at a loss to know what can be happening here!

    jQuery.Deferred exception: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'innerHTML') TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'innerHTML')
        at baseController.setup (https://xxx/uploads/javascript_global/root_front.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:179:531)
        at baseController.initialize (https://xxx/uploads/javascript_global/root_front.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:179:360)
        at initControllerOnElem (https://xxx/uploads/javascript_global/root_framework.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:24:49)
        at initializeControllers (https://xxx/uploads/javascript_global/root_framework.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:6:342)
        at Object.init (https://xxx/uploads/javascript_global/root_framework.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:4:540)
        at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (https://xxx/uploads/javascript_global/root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:86:137)
        at e (https://xxx/uploads/javascript_global/root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2:30005)
        at t (https://xxx/uploads/javascript_global/root_library.js?v=8865455eea1666161092:2:30307) undefined

    (xxx replaces my domain - not one we use publicly)

    Do you have any thoughts?

  2. We recently move our installation to a new server. The entire code base and database were copied across and the site appears to be working perfectly, except the quoting post feature has stopped working for some users! Highlighting text no longer pops up the 'quote' box in any posts or messages.

    In changing to the new server I upgraded to PHP 8, but have since tried switching back to PHP 7.4 with no difference). However it seems to be a browser specific issue - but we haven't changed any code!

    Does anyone have any thoughts on why this might be?

    I have upgraded to Version 4.7.3 but the issue still exists for some users.

  3. Hi, 

    We now have this application working but a Moderator who has access to manage the submissions has mentioned that when he receives a comment from another moderator (within the 'manage' part of a specific submission) the notification that comes through links him to an error page.


    It's not a huge problem because he can go through the moderator CP page and find it manually but the link he is given on the notification is dead.

    Any ideas? Or is this a bug?


  4. On 6/26/2019 at 3:04 AM, Earl_of_Berkeley said:

    Moderator permissions are unrestricted
    Application form permissions are set correctly. The relevant people have manage perms
    List on the ModCP is set



    ALSO for some reason, despite setting the permissions, guests can make applications


    Did this get resolved? We're still having issues!

  5. Yes, we have some moderators and they receive the above message.

    In the form settings, it has also been set so that both administrators and moderators can 'manage submissions.' But it doesn't seem that administrators receive the notifications.

    Are there some additional mod settings required?

    We've submitted another form request, the moderators get a new notification but when clicking on it they still get the same error message as above...

  6. Sorry, we can't allow that due to the sensitive nature of our content 😞

    Is there any guidance/manual on how to get a notification sent to a particular individual once an application (request form) is submitted please?

    Just as a side note, we have no use for the approval of applications - not sure if this helps in this context?!

    Thanks in advance

  7. Hi, 

    We would like to allow our staff to be able to submit requests through to our purchasing department (administrators). We have managed to get the form working and submissions can be made by all staff but only read by administrators. We cannot find a way for the administrators to receive a notification without being taken to the following screen however:


    This was visible from my account and I have administrator permissions. This has also happened with all other administrators.

    Please help!

  8. Hi. I'm using ver 1.2.4 (10204).

    I'm trying to set a maximum width (rather than fluid width) but when I deselect 'unlimited' and enter a width value in px. it will not save my choices. When I return to the setting popup my options have not been saved. Can you think of any reason why this might be? Thanks in advance :)



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