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Posts posted by Numb47

  1. How do i make so my footer doesnt do this;


    It needs to go where arrows points. on the homepage it looks fine tho;



    what do i need to add in there to make it work?

    #ipsLayout_footer {
          margin: 0px;
          height: 201px;
        background: url({resource="footer.png" app="core" location="admin"});
          background-size: 100% 100%;



    (yes ik, images look a bit scuffed, they're temporary. kind of, they will be adjusted)

  2. So I'm trying to add a custom image to my navigation bar, but it doesn't extend to the side.

    How do i make it extend to each side all the way?

    i have this simple code for the header and navigation bar image;

    #ipsLayout_header > header {
    	background: url({resource="header.png" app="core" location="admin"});
      	background-size: 100% 100%;
    .ipsNavBar_primary {
      	background: url({resource="menu bar.png" app="core" location="admin"});
      	background-size: 100% 100%;

    and it looks like that;


    As you can see, it doesnt extend all the to each sides. And it needs to so it fits with the header image.


  3. 7 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    There ya go - that is the change. Assuming you've got that all in place correctly, run the support tool in the ACP to clear the cache.

    If you are cloud hosted, log a ticket with support if that doesn't fix things for you.

    Okay, thank you. will try


    EDIT: Issue has been resolved, thank you so much!

  4. Hey, so in my menu manager I want to add a "menu" button that would actually serve a purpose of a direct download for a file. But there doesn't seem to be a way to do this? or is there? Closest there is that I saw is adding an external link menu that would redirect to a downlink link like mega or something like that. But my file is only like 5mb large, so I'd very much prefer for it to be a direct download from the forum itself. Guests also need to be able to download it without creating an account. Is there a way to do this?

    Thanks either way!

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