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Posts posted by Alay

  1. Hey all.

    Today various errors have started occurring with my 3rd party hosted site.  When trying to access the admin panel, I receive the following: EX1836 Something went wrong. Please try again.

    I've been unable to find more info as to what the exception number actually means.  I've checked my php version and other settings.  Any ideas before I try to do the dreaded reinstallation?

  2. The Gender profile field has 4 options, blank, Male, Female, and Not Telling.



    Please make this list editable, as I wish to allow those who identify as non-binary or prefer other gender descriptors to be included.

  3. On 4/8/2019 at 4:27 PM, Mike John said:

    I've noted this as a bug so can be included next update. Do you have ftp access to your ipb files? If so, I might have a patch you can try in the meantime.


    Hey Mike,

    I do have access to my files :)

  4. Would it be possible to manage attendees without them having permission themselves to RSVP?

    For example:

    User in Group A can't RSVP to Event

    Moderator can add User in Group A to RSVP list for Event.


    We have scenarios where we allow special attendance to events by request/approval.

  5. 19 hours ago, Mike John said:

    I'd probably have the next bug fixing update out in a few weeks time if you fine with waiting?

    Possibly, I'll note it and check it out at the same time.

    Glad you like it. :)

    Yup in no rush here!


    Thanks again :)


  6. On 2/17/2018 at 9:15 PM, Mike John said:

    I get you now. I'll note this for a future version as should be relatively easy to add. I can provide a temp patch for your own use if you've got ftp access to your files?

    That would be awesome!  I'm hosted on my own server so I can FTP anything in as necessary.  If it's too much hassle though I'm fine waiting for a future release too :)



    As an aside, I noticed IPS adds these neat little widgets when an event link is pasted in a forum thread.  Would it be possible in a future update to have the %event_link% variable add that? (or as a separate variable)?

    Here's an image of the event link from the %event_link% variable, and the link copy/pasted into the editor to show what I'm talking about



    Thanks again for this phenomenal plugin!

  7. 10 hours ago, Mike John said:

    Could you just clarify this is a bit? There is a sync in place between the event and topic for things like delete, edit and hide. i.e. you hide the event and it hides the topic. What else did you have in mind?



    Currently, if you create an event, the topic gets generated with content as per the specified options.

    If you then edit the original post in that newly created topic, then go back to the event and edit it in some different way, the topic is updated as per the specified options and overwrites any edits made to the topic itself.


    1. Event created with description "ABC"
    2. Topic auto-generates with text "ABC"
    3. Topic edited to text "XYZ"
    4. Event description edited to "ABCD"
    5. Topic text is edited to "ABCD" (losing the "XYZ" added before).

    An option to disable the "edit" sync feature would be ideal.


    Thanks for the fast reply :)

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