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Posts posted by jamesluck01

  1. 1 hour ago, Archerus said:

    @devu4Fixed 🙂

    This file containe just protocol fix



    fixgfl.zip 45.83 kB · 1 download

    Okay, so the fix was implemented for mine but it works only for so far the Garry's Mod (Alternative) Protocol but does not / has not worked for the other protocol or the 7 days 2 die server that I put in for a test.


    This fix is for some but not all games, it looks like so far.

  2. On 6/4/2019 at 6:33 PM, Pete T said:

    Ok is there other theme pre installed eg default theme as see this is IPS Focus theme as when i tested works on all my own and default theme, plus is the theme been updated for 4.4.3 ? so can rule out items.

    No other themes than the default one, and Chameleon Dark from ipsfocus. And it's barely even edited. I tested again with the default IPS theme, which is not edited at all. And it's still the same issue.

  3. On 5/25/2019 at 12:59 PM, Pete T said:

    I personal never had this issue on my dev site and live site, but is there way could record the issue you have via video so see steps you taken get the error/issue to show.

    Sure. Sorry it took a while to get back. Was busy on another project. Anyway, I recoded the issue for you here.

    To try and describe the video:

    1. First I made a new text box. Then I edited it again, to show that it works as long as I don't reload the page.
    2. Then I reload the page, to show it doesn't work anymore.
    3. After I try and move it to another box, which shows that it Errors out. And I can no longer delete it unless I close and open the manager again.

    I hope this helps?

  4. I seem to be having some trouble editing blocks I've added.

    When I add a new TXT block, I'm able to edit it just fine. And save it, and edit it again. Just fine. Unless I reload the page.
    If I try and reload the page after I've edited it. It loads for a few seconds, then nothing shows up.

    And it doesn't let me edit it any more. At all.

    Same with the PHP too.

    Other blocks I can edit just fine.


    The forum is currently running IPS 4.4.3. And We had the IPS4 phpTxt widget, till I updated to the IPS44 phpTxt widget in hopes to fix this problem. But it still remained.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Or if you need any more info, let me know.
    I'm not really sure what all information is relevant to this issue.


  5. A suggestion to add a "Deny" option next to the accept option, There should be configurations for when an application is accepted or denied so that you have those move the post into a sub forum etc. 

    I have an "Accepted" and a "Denied" sub-forum in which I move a post when it is approved or denied etc. This would be awesome to have.

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