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Posts posted by HAIF

  1. On 2/27/2024 at 3:29 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

    Nothing should be recounted. Of course we import the backup which is provided by yourselves. Could it possibly be archived data?

    I never archived any messages.  I know a lot of fora lock and archive messages after a certain amount of time, but I prefer people be able to revisit content because we often discuss things that are a hundred years old, so there may be a lull in the conversation for a few years.

  2. For about 20 years I have been running an Invision forum.  Because of its longevity, it has accumulated a lot of posts.

    Until last week, it was self-hosted.  Before moving to Invision Cloud, I noted it had a little over 650,000 posts.

    Now my Activity Overview shows the forum has 485,536 posts.

    I just checked the backup of the forum I made before sending the files to Invision, and I see 661,677 posts.

    Does Invision Cloud tally posts differently from self-hosted?

  3. Today I tried to upgrade my form to 4.7, and got almost to the end when it gave me the error CANNOT_WRITE .../system/File/FileSystem.php:337

    Could contain: Text

    The file in question, and its parent directories all have the same permissions as before, and the installation made it most of the way through before throwing the error.  Both "Retry" and "Continue" just loop back to the same error message.

    Could contain: Text, Number, Symbol

    I don't see that anyone else in this forum has had a similar problem, so I'm posting this here to see if anyone has any ideas.

  4. On 5/4/2022 at 6:01 AM, Daniel F said:

    Google isn't truncating them, instead they're rewriting the shown SERP titles.



    From my own experience it's not bad at all, most of the time google creates a better title based on the topic content than the one generated by the user.

    I've actually had a very bad experience with Google re-writing page titles.  

    Google took something like "Jane is awesome, but Jim kicks puppies" and changed it to "Jane kicks puppies."  The Jane in question was an important local business leader, and I heard from her lawyer.

    After explaining that Google ruins everything it touches, I told him I'd change the text on the forum, and we can both cross our fingers and hope that Google updates things on its end.  Google eventually did, but it caused a lot of unnecessary anxiety and legal complications.

  5. We have this problem at my forum, too.  Multiple users are reporting it on desktop and mobile. 

    I've had it happen to me in both Safari 14.0.1 and Firefox 83.0 on macOS 10.15.7.  Sometimes reloading the page helps.  Often, not.

    My users tell me it also happens in Chrome on Windows, but I don't have specific version numbers for those.

    It's not confined to the forum.  The problem crops up in the ACP, too.  

    While I don't know anything about how IPS works, it looks to me like sometimes clicking on a text field fails to load the rich text editor.

    Here you can see the text box has been clicked because Safari highlights it, but the text editor does't load:


    Here's what the console log shows:


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