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Philip Krasilnikov

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Posts posted by Philip Krasilnikov

  1. 17 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

    There are specific forums available only to individuals with an active license, such as the official support forum (meaning IPS staff regularly monitor/respond to issues).  

    There are other forums such as this one that are primarily lead by other IPS users/customers that everyone has access to.  Think of it as peer-to-peer help.  Without a valid license, there is no "official" technical support option so you're welcome to post in the community lead forums, but it's not guaranteed a response or resolution by IPS.  

    You could renew the license to restore full access.  

    We are users in Russia cannot pay by our bank cards. I would love to prolongate my license, make update and receive support. Are there any other ways to make a payment from Russia?

  2. On 1/20/2022 at 8:24 PM, Nathan Explosion said:

    v3.2.1 has been submitted for approval

    • Fixes
      • Fixed PHP 8 related issue
      • Fixed issue where images, which had an alignment action applied to them at any time, are not hidden if configured.
    • Changes
      • None
    • New
      • None

    Still need to get to this FE at some point: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/434067-ne-hide-replies-from-guests/?do=findComment&comment=2869307


    Thx for the update! Now all works perfect.

  3. 36 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    Not sure why you are asking that - you can uninstall it if you want, but reinstalling it will have the same issue.

    As I said:

    "both issues are fixed in dev at the moment"

    I still need to test it, and then release the update to the MarketPlace.

    Ok, now is clear, please let me know as soon as the update will be done )

    Merry Christmas!

  4. 23 hours ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    And what is that error? Same as the one you already provided, or different?

    The error the same as I have already provided.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    No need for these.

     This was the missing piece - thank you for finally providing your steps.

    Here it is my settings of the extension.

    P.S. I disabled the extension for now as I have PHP error at Admin CP as well.


    Снимок экрана 2021-12-22 в 12.57.25.png

    Снимок экрана 2021-12-22 в 12.57.34.png

    Снимок экрана 2021-12-22 в 12.57.40.png

    Снимок экрана 2021-12-22 в 12.57.48.png

    Снимок экрана 2021-12-22 в 12.57.54.png

    Снимок экрана 2021-12-22 в 12.58.00.png

  6. 23 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    I've accessed the link and I can see that message - what version of PHP are you using? (Exact version)

    Back to this issue - I need information from you on HOW you are adding the image; what actions are you performing to add the image? I'm not interested in the image in a post - more interested in how it was put there. How was the post constructed? What actions did you perform to create the content? If I understand that, then I can work on the issue.

    This is what I see on the post - so, it has detected an image in the post, and it is hiding that. But it also showing an image, which based on a quick look it should be - so, if I know more about the post content and how you created it then I can reproduce and work on it.

    And provide the screenshots of your settings, as also requested previously.



    Here is the php error:


    I have PHP 8.0.10 (alt)

    I just upload the image and once it is uploaded I press "insert" and then doule click it and then I align it to the left/right. After that I see that the image is shown to the guests (but should be hidden)


    P.S. For now I disabled the extension.

    P.P.S> From your screen you can see that one image is hidden and other one is not

  7. On 9/24/2021 at 1:59 PM, Nathan Explosion said:

    @Philip Krasilnikov - please provide more details on your issue, as I cannot reproduce a problem using default IPS functionality in conjunction with my application. Any images added, either as an attachment or as a link, obtain the correct css class which I target for hiding the element.

    This is what you posted in the review:

    What does the highlighted text mean? Are you using a ckeditor plugin in your editor? If so, what one? If not, provide more detail on how to reproduce this.

    Hello, when I switch on the extension I have sometimes at my forum php error (I'll drop a screenshot once I have it)

    In spite of the extension is on set up to hide images, it shows images if they were inserted in the body of the message and once it was aligned. Here is the example of such behavior: https://sexforum.xyz/index.php?/topic/20-test-topic-with-image-inside/#comment-54

  8. 12 hours ago, Jim M said:

    The who's online block is managed through the Block Manager. You can navigate to the page (or page type) you wish to add the block to and simply drag/drop it into place. Please see the Guide about utilizing the Block Manager

    1 hour ago, Darth Vortex said:

    The Who is online block is build in. You can get Who was online here ...


    Thank you guys!

  9. On 10/1/2019 at 11:24 PM, Joel R said: 

    If you find yourself hosting many image topics, you should think about switching to Gallery, which is an app designed for images.  

    That exactly that I want to make a lot of images in the post like a gallery, not decreasing images initial size. What extension shall I use or is it standard setting?

  10. Hello dear members!

    I have just installed my forum and noticed that when I upload several images to a post each of them a very big and I need manually reduce its size to looks like a gallery:


    Is it possible to make such gallery automatically when I upload several images?

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