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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Fosters

  1. Could we get a PM with ACP access credentials to take a look?
  2. Do you see any errors in the ACP System Log?
  3. Yes, please ignore the screenshots. We're using feature branches so each feature is being developer in a separate branch and merged into the product once it's ready.
  4. A new version was released fixing the icon and permission issue
  5. I have released a ne version, could you please tell me if you're still seeing the issue @Vegan Gaymer
  6. Just for clarification, OneSignal was never planed to be included in this App, it's something completely different. All the PUSH stuff is scope of another app which we have coded for a client and which we plan to release to MP , but no ETA and we're even not sure if we're going to release it at all because of limited support resources.
  7. No idea. We have minimal spam prevention and registration terms ... we kinda let everyone into the website.
  8. As an update, we were able to manually register @JTHastings on our website. If anyone else has any issues registering on Fosters.Tech, please let us know. FostersJ
  9. Hi, do you see the following button: You can also use the +Create menu to award medal. Make sure you also set the Moderators permission in ACP > Members > Staff - Moderators. Click on "Medals" tab > Can award Medals to members? Let me know if that works. Thanks!j
  10. Hi Jim, to make sure I understand, were you trying to install on IPB 3.4.7? I'm confused by your reference to 3.4.7. FostersJ
  11. Implemented Implemented Also a lot of other stuff was implemented, like quick state management
  12. We've spent the weekend focusing on several applications to address bug fixes that were brought up in the IPS Support Topics. We'd like to thank everyone for their patience while we get back into groove of things. Bookmarks: 2 bugs and 1 enhancement [Bug] Uncaught Exception [Enhancement] Hide empty profile tab [Bug] Bookmarks not accessible as reported by IPS user @Vegan Gaymer We are planning for a release date in about a week for further testing, but please follow the Marketplace file and you will be notified.j
  13. We've spent the weekend focusing on several applications to address bug fixes that were brought up in the IPS Support Topics. We'd like to thank everyone for their patience while we get back into groove of things. Notices: 1 bug [Bug] Can't remove date We are planning for a release date in about a week for further testing, but please follow the Marketplace file and you will be notified.j
  14. We've spent the weekend focusing on several applications to address bug fixes that were brought up in the IPS Support Topics. We'd like to thank everyone for their patience while we get back into groove of things. Trophies & Medals: 6 bugs, 1 enhancement, 1 new feature [Enhancement] Move delete button to the end [Bug] No check on View permission [New Feature] New tab for all notifications such as inline notifications, PM, and email [Bug] Fix notification from user as reported by IPS user @evandixon [Bug] Deprecate submit navbar tab [Bug] Cannot change icon from png to fa as reported by IPS user @Archimed [Bug] Merge topic as reported by IPS user @Archimed [Bug] High pagecount as reported by IPS user @Archimed We are planning for a release date in about a week for further testing, but please follow the Marketplace file and you will be notified.j
  15. We've spent the weekend focusing on several applications to address bug fixes that were brought up in the IPS Support Topics. We'd like to thank everyone for their patience while we get back into groove of things. Project Manager: 1 bug and 1 enhancement [Bug] Navbar Tab permissions broken [Enhancement] Multi-select on the Issues tab to select several Issues to mark as Open, Complete, and Open We are planning for a release date in about a week for further testing, but please follow the Marketplace file and you will be notified.j
  16. I'm glad you were able to resolve your issue. Just curious, do you know from what prior version you were upgrading?
  17. Not normal. Thank you for bringing it this bug, I will need to investigate.j
  18. Could you send me any feeds with images to test the feature?
  19. What have you exactly set to be shown in the menu?
  20. Is this still the case? I can't reproduce this.
  21. What services are you interested to see be included in this app? Righ now we're support Bitbucket out of the box and next version will support Github
  22. That's correct. There's no check implemented, nobody of us had this scenario in mind. I have implemented this for the next bugfix release.
  23. As a follow-up to you @jinnie, please make sure you are using the latest version of Trophies & Medals. We included a feature to allow multiple trophies and medals based upon your settings.
  24. We don't have any timeline on the rebuild tool, so I would encourage you to re-make your awards in the meantime. Unfortunately, we've been extremely busy with our day job. Can you do us a favor and verify the bug that Members can actually see Trophies that should only be accessed by Admins? If you're able to confirm bug, please initiate a Support Ticket on our website Fosters.Tech for us to track the issue. FostersJ
  25. Date Field is fixed for next release which I plan for this weekend, not sure what to do with the colors, it's a 3rd party theme "issue" I can't reproduce this. Could you probably send us a PM with a link to a notice with such an image where google returns this error?
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