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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Fosters

  1. It seems, but it isn't;) And when he leaves it, he won't lose the trophy because once you get a trophy, you don't lose it except it's being replaced by another?
  2. That's the default criteria which is indeed already included by default:) So if you're member of a club, you'll get it, but there's no rule for if club = X or remove the trophy when the member left the club What @Blisslandia is requesting is a "realtime" member joined and member left trophy criteria (action) , correct? BTW, as you see, we have already criteria "actions" in mind(we have them already but that's part of our event app), which will run on realtime without the need to rely on the cron task, this is going to be a HUGE improvement;)
  3. Sorry , we have no demo I've submitted a ticket to IPS, but we have no funds at our account right now
  4. Isn't there a free version also available? BTW, no I wouldn't recommend purchasing it, I only advised it because I thought that it's free:D To be honest, we have our own events/rules application for our premium client which supports all our applications, but haven't released it to the public because we're too busy and couldn't provide global support for it.
  5. That's quite complex and not something what we'll be accomplish with trophies. This would probably work with a medal in combination with the rules app
  6. I have added this to our internal tracker
  7. That's not how it works. There#s no way to tell when a member really earned a trophy then to iterate over all trophies and members and see if they meet any rule. So this means that we finally fixed the real issue which caused that more and more background tasks were initialized before others were finished:) At least one step forward:)
  8. We have closed our site and moved all support to ips. I‘m not sure why the downloads manager is deleting the screenshots, but IPS is aware of this.
  9. That’s a good idea, I’ll see if I can create a bike this weekend, if not expect it on Monday :)
  10. Do you see any errors in the JS console of your browser?
  11. Getting back to you right now
  12. As stated on https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8450-spam-prevention-suite/ , the latest version is only for IPS 4.3.
  13. What's the error? This app works fine for me with 4.3
  14. A new version was released which should be compatible with IPS 4.3.x Sorry, I haven't noticed that we haven't released the 4.3 compatible version. Please download the package again:)
  15. No worries:) We haven't found any issues, and if you find any, please make sure to report them, a new major release is on it's way which is going to address any found bugs
  16. A new version is available fixing a potential bug within the new Submission Notifications
  17. Could I probably get ACP access to see why it's broken for you?
  18. A new version was released:) There's now a new settings page where you can whitelist the urls
  19. I'm not ignoring anybody. Have you seen my last reply?:) I'm really sorry, it seems that there was some confusion in our team regarding the new version. We'll release it next week
  20. Thanks,I have added this to our internal tracker. You can expect by end of next week a brand new version with this and the feature requested by @Koper74
  21. Please accept my apologies for the delay, I thought that we already released an update for 4.3. I'll have to check with the other team member what happened here.
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