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  1. Added a new theme and Giphy is not showing on the forums anymore the images are blank. How can I fix this my coding
  2. Thank you man you are always giving me the right answers
  3. There was there was a file missing I got it corrected. Thank you.
  4. It was working before. I took my old site down and uploaded a new one to start fresh. Something weird is going on
  5. So I cleared my catch and reinstall forums and still this..problem
  6. That has done nothing.
  7. Only allow me to upload photos and stuff wth
  8. I’m not sure what’s going on. It won’t let me put any information or any words in the description on my form or in my fourm description.
  9. I’m in there, but I’m not seeing what you guys are telling me to look for
  10. I’m not sure where to go
  11. Where do I find this in filezilla
  12. Actually I’m the owner and stuff so it’s annoying if I have the wrong password can I change my email or password bc I can’t access my old email please help
  13. I’m a admin on my site. I haven’t been on in a while and maybe forgot the password but remembered it. It’s keeps locking out for 30 mins
  14. installed a theme and cant figure out to fix this https://gyazo.com/ac8eb56381b4f920283942128cdd0761
  15. Thank u all set
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