Media Uploader (Support Topic)
Since updating, i can no longer upload anything. Any ideas? I also get this error when i try to save permissions in ACP: ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function IPS\Node\cjmenu_hook_cjmenuRecache::setPermissions(), 1 passed in /home/ozclubbe/public_html/system/Node/Controller.php on line 1189 and exactly 2 expected (0) #0 /home/ozclubbe/public_html/system/Node/Controller.php(1189): IPS\Node\cjmenu_hook_cjmenuRecache->setPermissions(Array) #1 /home/ozclubbe/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\Node\_Controller->permissions() #2 /home/ozclubbe/public_html/system/Node/Controller.php(62): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #3 /home/ozclubbe/public_html/applications/cjmedia/modules/admin/categories/categories.php(43): IPS\Node\_Controller->execute() #4 /home/ozclubbe/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\cjmedia\modules\admin\categories\_categories->execute() #5 /home/ozclubbe/public_html/admin/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #6 {main}
Media Uploader (Support Topic)
Hi, I'm wondering if there are parameters that allow for media (videos in particular) to autoplay? Thanks
Kitchen Sink
-deleted as I found the conflict-
Hi, I'm having troubles saving Advertisements when its selected as "Random". When i click on the Save button after adding an advertisement, nothing happens. Thanks
I'll send you a private message
Hi @HeadStand After the recent update to Newsletters, i'm now getting broken images appearing in my newsletters. For example It appears regardless which browser or app I view the emails in. Any ideas? Thanks
Auto Follow Content
I'm having this same issue - the entire tab is blank, even though its created a default single category.
CodingJungle's Apps [support topic]
Hi @CodingJungle, I thought i'd loop back around and see if you had integrated the mp3 codec into it yet? Thanks
CodingJungle's Apps [support topic]
Ok. Just FYI, this was an mp3
CodingJungle's Apps [support topic]
Hi @CodingJungle, With my installation of "Media", when i view an uploaded audio file, its showing with an X in the middle and no play button. Any ideas what might be going on? Thanks
Ah ok, no worries. Did you need me to email you any info about it to diagnose the bug?
Thanks @HeadStand for adding the sorting by event date to the calendars! Thats awesome, you're awesome! I only have one thing, it seems the "cut-off" field isn't working on the calendar dates - so for example if i have 7 days entered in there, its showing more than the next 7 days of events. Is this supposed to happen or is it a bug?
Auto Follow Content
Hi @Adriano Faria, i'm still having issues with the app and adding my databases. They appear with no details under them as you can see on the image below (this is after I selected "Ozclubbers News and Reviews")
Template System
Thanks for that. That didn't seem to work for some reason... Any ideas what might be going wrong? Do you want me to private message you about it?
Template System
A URL field. I have two URL fields actually, neither appear as a clickable link when displayed
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